Business Controller

Bemanningsstyrkan i Rosersberg AB / Controllerjobb / Stockholm
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Help Us Create What Can't Be Done

Everything we do at Samsung is driven by an unyielding passion for excellence-and an unfaltering commitment to develop the best products and services on the market. In today's fast-paced global economy, change is constant and innovation is critical to a company's survival. As we have done for 80 years, we set our sights on the future, anticipating market needs and demands so we can steer our company toward long-term success. As Business Controller, you will have an integral part in ensuring we stay on top of the market and continue to enrich and simplify the consumers' lives. Why join our team?We are a team of 5 Business Control professionals who drive the cost controlling and investment planning at Samsung Electronics Telecom division. On a daily basis, we liaise with multiple key stakeholders throughout the organization, from VP:s and CFO to Account Managers & various Area Experts such as Product Managers and System Developers. Understanding the big picture is key to deliver smoothness into the company operations.The main mission for the Business Controller is to support the process of optimizing sales, finding cost efficiency and improving profits. We achieve this mission by controlling the cost related to investment towards market and customers, improving related processes and tools, providing reports and analysis and being spider in the web supporting different stakeholders.The main product group this Business Controller will work with is Samsung Nordic's IM business, i.e. within the product groups of smartphones, wearables, accessories and tablets.Are you ready to take your next career step forward and join our high performing team? What will be your job scope and key deliverables?You will be responsible for forecasting & closing activities of sales deduction costs, i.e the contracted and non-contracted activities towards the customers, ensuring that the rolling forecast reflects expected costs accurately and budget is controlled. Together with the team, we ensure sufficient accrual levels, support daily business through budget management, perform analysis, and provide process guidance to the organization.The scope of this job also entails a supporting role for coordination in various improvement projects, such as our quarterly price planning process development and efficient reporting tools.Business analysis and reporting for management (incl. European HQ & Global HQ), along with other ad-hoc assignments from the Business Control Manager (IM), are also to be expected.

What do we need for this role?

We would love to work with you who are analytical and accurate, structured, business oriented, and have great communication skills. You will be working with various systems as well as cubes, therefore excellent skills in excel together with interest and understanding of systems and datasets is essential to succeed in this role. Ideally, you have also worked for about 2-5 years with similar responsibilities, holding bachelors or master's degree in finance or accounting.
As a person, you have high sense of responsibility; you do not easily give up, and reliable. You are open minded and flexible, good at working with changing priorities, and solution oriented. Other beneficial experiences to succeed even further in this position:
• SAP knowledge (or similar ERP systems)
• Working with databases
• Running projects
• Excellent English required, and good knowledge either in Swedish or Korean is a plus
Samsung is a dynamic company in a fast moving industry, there are many opportunities to grow and develop! In order to enjoy working with us you must be a person who appreciates tempo, change and to take own initiatives.

Vad kan vi erbjuda?

Bemanningsstyrkan är ett personligt företag där vi alla är kollegor oavsett var vi har vår fysiska arbetsplats.
Vi kan erbjuda dig runt trettio kollegor som är placerade hos Samsung och i normala fall är din konsultchef är på plats minst 1 gång per vecka för att hjälpa dig medfrågor och funderingar.
Just nu under pandemi-tider så arbetar alla på Samsung hemifrån efter upplärning och dina möten med din konsultchef sker digitalt.

Vi erbjuder marknadsmässig månadslön, friskvårdsbidrag och allt som ingår i vårt kollektivavtal.

Känner du att ovanstående stämmer in på dig och att du vill bli en del av Bemanningsstyrkans team så tveka inte att skicka in din ansökan.

Platsen ska tillsättas omgående och intervjuer sker fortlöpande.

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan som ska innehålla:

• ett cv
• ett personligt brev
• ett startdatum/information om eventuell uppsägningstid
• ett löneanspråk

/Anja Lowndes

Konsultchef Bemanningsstyrkan

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-07-27
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Bemanningsstyrkan i Rosersberg AB

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "236164".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Bemanningsstyrkan i Rosersberg AB ( 556780-5212)

Anja Lowndes


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