Associate Senior lecturer in Forest management, with specializat

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Ekonomichefsjobb / Umeå
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Visa alla jobb hos Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Umeå, Nordmaling, Vindeln, Krokom, Gävle eller i hela Sverige

A position as Associate Senior lecturer in Forest management, with specialization in "Opportunities, challenges and social consequences of artificial intelligence in Swedish forests" is open at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU, Umeå.

For more information:

For full ad and how to apply see

Subject area
The subject is Forest management, with specialization in "Opportunities, challenges and social consequences of artificial intelligence in Swedish forests".

The associate senior lecturer shall develop her/his own research direction in the subject area

In addition, the holder of the position is also expected to:

• apply for external research funding in competition and publish scientific articles
• initiate the development of his/her own interdisciplinary research group
• participate in postgraduate education as a co-supervisor
• communicate and collaborate with relevant industrial stakeholders
• teach at basic and advanced levels, including doctoral level
• receive pedagogical training
• teach in Swedish within four years of taking up the position

Eligible for employment as associate senior lecturer are candidates who hold a PhD or have equivalent academic qualifications. Priority will be given to candidates who have received a PhD or equivalent qualifications no longer than five years before the application deadline. Other candidates may also be considered if there are extraordinary grounds for doing so. Extraordinary grounds refer to illness, parental leave or similar circumstances.

For employment as associate senior lecturer, the candidate must be scientifically proficient in the subject areas defined above.

Good ability to communicate in written and spoken English is required.

Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria for appointment as an associate senior lecturer will primarily be based on the degree to which the applicant/candidate possesses the required qualifications specified for the position.

For full ad, more information about assessment criterias and how to apply see

Application deadline:
January 4 2021

Place of work:


Form of Employment:
The employment is limited to five years in accordance with the Higher Education Act. A position as associate senior lecturer is a qualifying employment that constitutes the first step in an academic career at SLU. An associate senior lecturer has the right during his/her employment to apply for promotion to senior lecturer on the basis of criteria established when the position as associate senior lecturer was announced.

Starting date:
According to agreement

It is desirable that the application is written in English, because the applications will be evaluated by expert advisers both in Sweden and abroad.

"Appointment procedures for teachers at SLU" and "General assessment criteria for the appointment of teachers" can be found here.

Academic union representatives:

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ Ej specificerat



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Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

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Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet ( 202100-2817),

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet


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