Assistant Professor

Internationella Handelshögskolan / Högskolejobb / Jönköping
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Assistant Professor in the area of Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) serves regional and global needs by educating entrepreneurial leaders and business creators. JIBS shall be recognized as providing innovative leadership in research, education and service to society within entrepreneurship and business renewal. JIBS has about 200 employees and 2200 students, and it is one of four schools within Jönköping University.
The Jönköping region is an important and very expansive node for logistics and supply chain management in Sweden. Supply chain management and business logistics research and teaching has been an important part of JIBS’ activities during the last years. A Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (CeLS) has been formed together with regional, national and international stakeholders.
To continue the successful growth and development of CeLS, JIBS is now looking for an assistant professor with the right experiences, profiles and networks to join CeLS. The position is full time and comprises research, teaching and supervising basic and advanced level courses, close collaboration with different stakeholders and active participation in continuing to develop CeLS into an internationally recognized leader in its field. The position is, apart from the centre, stationed at the department of Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Management (EMM).
The position requires a PhD degree with documented achievements and experiences of the applicant in the following areas: (1) research focusing on business logistics and supply chain management; (2) experiences of teaching and supervising on different levels and to different audiences. Further, the applicant's ability to (3) attract research funding; (4) experiences in collaborating with different stakeholders; (5) ability to adapt and take on teaching responsibilities within the existing courses in logistics and supply chain management; and (6) wider experiences of teaching in business administration (e.g. marketing and organizational theory) will also be considered.
A professional command in English and Swedish is required; teaching will be conducted in both languages.
Enquiries about the position can be made to Professor Susanne Hertz, Director of CeLS. Mail address: . Union representatives are Helgi-Valur Fridriksson (SACO) and Barbara Eklöf (ST). Professor Hertz and the union representatives can be reached on +46 36 10 10 00 (switchboard). For more information, please visit our homepage
Please submit, in 3 copies, your letter of application and CV, copies of maximum 10 selected scientific contributions (in full text), a detailed description of your teaching credentials ,and a description of your experience in working with the industry and all other credentials you want to refer to, no later than December 11, 2009, to Jönköping International Business School, Att: Registrar, P.O. Box 1026, SE-551 11 Jönköping
E-mail applications will not be accepted.
[Please indicate reference number – 09/186-7.2.2 – on your application.]


Arbetstider och omfattning

Fast lön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2009-12-11
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 09/186-7.2.2

Facklig kontakt
Helgi Valur Fridriksson, 036-101000
Barbara Eklöf, 036-101000
Susanne Hertz, 036-101000

Internationella Handelshögskolan

Internationella Handelshögskolan
Box 1026

Gjuterigatan 5

Telefonnummer: 036-101000
Faxnummer: 036-165069


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