Agile Project Manager

Jayway Syd AB / Datajobb / Malmö
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About us
A career at Jayway puts you right at the forefront of technology. We live and breathe software development; working in small and autonomous teams where we aim to have the control over the whole process from idea to product. As a Jaywayer you play a key role in maintaining the corporate collaboration culture and the continuous work to define and improve the company's metrics. We strongly believe in personal growth, and to further develop and enrich our expertise we regularly conduct training and coaching activities both inside and outside of the office.

About the position
As an Agile Project Manager within Jayway your key role is to conceptualize, plan, execute, and finalize a variety of exciting agile software developing projects, taking into account strict deadlines and budgets. This includes acquiring resources and coordinating the efforts of stakeholders, team members and third-party contractors or consultants. You'll drive the continuous improvements for our agile processes and team dynamics on a daily basis, to ensure that our projects run smoothly and efficiently at a sustainable pace.

As an Agile Project Manager you're expected to be able to define the project objectives and oversee quality control throughout the project lifecycle, identifying bottlenecks and impediments at an early stage. You deliver results using an array of structured and agile methods and principles where one big challenge is to balance and coordinate your team while acting as the customer's representative, being responsive for their needs. As a servant leader you're always focusing on supporting, protecting and coaching the team to deliver superior quality with high throughput - while having a lot of fun!

Location Malmö

About you
You live and breathe Agile project management
You have the ability and drive to work operatively and strategically
You are self-going and feel comfortable managing commercial decisions directly with the customer
You have great verbal and written communication skills in both Swedish and English
You strive to continuously improve and further develop yourself
You're passionate about building successful teams
You're a problem solver and see opportunities rather than problems
You favour collaboration and communication as they're the key factors of project success
You're so passionate for agile software development projects it's contagious
You always keep an eye open for new business opportunities
You're a team player with a strong desire to share your knowledge
You have great coaching and motivational skills

A big bonus if you have
experience working as a Software Developer
experience working as a Scrum Master
experience working as a Product Owner
experience as a Sub-contractor
experience as an Entrepreneur
certification(s) in Agile processes and Project Management
a track record of successful Agile projects

We strive for gender balance and would therefore be really happy to receive female applicants. We look forward to receive your resume including CV and cover letter. Interviews for this position are ongoing, so please send your resume as soon as possible. Please note that we prefer to have your documents in English.


Arbetstider och omfattning

Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

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Jayway Syd AB

Jayway Syd AB
Hans Michelsensgatan 10
21120 Malmö

Hans Michelsensgatan 10
Visa på karta

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 040-6023100


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