Lediga jobb: Viruses (sida 10)
● 2018-01-24 - Göteborgs universitet
Postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics and medical microbiology Biologjobb, Göteborg
● 2018-01-17 - Dfind Science & Engineering AB
Production engineer to Cavidi Kemiingenjörsjobb, Stockholm
● 2017-11-22 - Dfind Science & Engineering AB
Design Validation Coordinator Kemistjobb, Uppsala
● 2017-10-09 - AstraZeneca Göteborg
Senior Research Scientist - Translational Genomics/Precise Genom Apotekarjobb, Mölndal
● 2017-09-25 - AstraZeneca Göteborg
Senior Research Scientist - Transgenic/PGE Apotekarjobb, Mölndal
● 2017-09-22 - Kofax
IT User Support Specialist Supportteknikerjobb, Stockholm
● 2017-09-05 - Dfind Science & Engineering AB
Samples Sourcing Officer Biobank Undersköterskejobb, Uppsala
● 2017-07-07 - Göteborgs universitet
Professor in Clinical Virology, associated with position as spec Högskolejobb, Göteborg
● 2017-05-18 - Göteborgs universitet
Researcher Apotekarjobb, Göteborg
● 2017-03-17 - Linnéuniversitetet
Postdoc in Aquatic Viral Ecology Sjukgymnastjobb, Kalmar