Lediga jobb: Cosaxs (sida 2)
● 2022-03-18 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Diffraction & Scattering
Summer worker ForMAX/CoSAXS Högskolejobb, Lund
● 2021-06-28 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV,
Research Engineer CoSAXS (1 year) Högskolejobb, Lund
● 2021-05-05 - Stockholms Universitet
Forskare för studier av proteindynamik med XPCS vid CoSAXS Fysikjobb, Stockholm
● 2021-02-16 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Diffraction & Scattering
Temporary Scientist CoSAXS, 10 months, 40% Högskolejobb, Lund
● 2021-01-15 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Diffraction & Scattering
2 year Postdoctoral/Temporary Scientist at CoSAXS, MAX IV Högskolejobb, Lund
● 2020-12-08 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Diffraction & Scattering
Optics Expert Högskolejobb, Lund
● 2020-11-27 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Diffraction & Scattering
2 year Postdoctoral/Temporary Scientist at CoSAXS, MAX IV Högskolejobb, Lund
● 2020-08-16 - Lunds universitet, Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Kemiska instit
Postdoktor i biokemi Högskolejobb, Lund
● 2020-08-05 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Diffraction & Scattering
Postdoc position for the study of protein dynamics using XPCS at Högskolejobb, Lund
● 2020-07-01 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Diffraction & Scattering
Postdoc position for the study of protein dynamics using XPCS at Högskolejobb, Lund