Zaark is looking for experienced iOS engineer

Zaark AB / Elektronikjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Zaark AB i Stockholm

About us
Zaark was set up as a B2B solutions provider from day one and is unique in the market offering a complete Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) product for mobile VoIP. The top priorities at Zaark are usability, scalability and reliability, factors we believe are imperative to achieve success in an increasingly competitive market where end users place the same expectations on mobile VoIP services as they do on traditional telephony.

Summary of Responsibilities
• Develop applications in the area of mobile VoIP for iOS based devices,

• Holding a Master of Science Math- or Information Technology degree or equivalent relevant education or experience.

Must Requirements
• Certified SCRUM developer.
• Experience of development platforms Unix & iOS.
• Experience of programming tools XCode/Instruments, Eclipse, SVN, git.
• Solid experience of programming languages: Objective-C, C, C++.
• More then 5 years experience of Objective-C.

• Experience Mobile VoIP SDK applications and.
• High achiever in ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest or other equivalent contests.
• Start-up experience.

• The possibility to take part in changing the way people communicate,
• A dynamic environment in a small, growing company,
• A high-tech environment using cutting-edge technology,
• The opportunity to solve many challenging technical problems,
• The opportunity to take part in the values created by the company.

Should we connect?
If you believe that you have the right abilities and the right technology knowledge and experience, please mail us at and tell us why you are the right woman or man for a job at holländargatan 20. And of course, for additional questions and information, feel free to contact Erick Larsson at 0709-494930.

In this recruitment process Zaark applies the following for recruitment companies or agencies or equivalent staffing businesses. If a company, or sister company or any group company, in the role as resources, recruiters or directors or any other role with-in the previous mentioned companies, send or provide, in any form or channels, such as a CV or information or contact details of a candidate/candidates, they will approach directly by Zaark. There will not be any fee to claim for the recruitment/ candidate/ staff introduction or any equivalent nature of services, unless there is a signed contract in place between relevant parties.


Arbetstider och omfattning

Fast lön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-10-04
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: Z-E-iOS
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Erick Larsson, HR Manager 0709-494930


Holländargatan 20
11160 Stockholm

Holländargatan 20

Övriga kontaktuppgifter


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