Two doctoral students for the doctoral programme in Sociology

Örebro universitet / Administratörsjobb (offentlig verksamhet) / Örebro
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Örebro University is seeking 2 doctoral students for the doctoral programme in Sociology at the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, commencing on 1 September 2019.

Sociology at Örebro University is part of the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. The subject has the main responsibility for the Personnel Work Programme and the Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Social Analysis, and contributes on the Master's programme in Public Planning for Sustainable Development. Research at Sociology in Örebro is mainly conducted within two strategic research profiles: Work, Family and Intimate Relations, and Environmental Sociology.

One of the doctoral student positions will be linked to the environmental sociology profile. The other will be linked to either of the two research profiles above.

Information on admission regulations, the general syllabus in sociology, a regulations handbook for doctoral studies, and other information can be found on Örebro University's webpage for information on doctoral education at Information on what documents to attach to your application can be found by clicking "How to apply for admission to doctoral studies" below.

Contact Professor Magnus Boström,, for further information about the programme and the doctoral studentship linked to it.

Örebro University actively pursues an equal work environment and values the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.

The programme
The programme concludes with the Degree of Doctor. The programme comprises 240 credits, which corresponds to four years of full-time study. Extensions to the study period are granted for instance to compensate for any sick leave or parental leave.

Information on programme content and organisation can be found in the general syllabus for the subject.

Doctoral studentships
The place on the programme is linked to a full-time doctoral studentship for the duration of the study programme. Duties such as teaching, administration and research other than the student's own thesis project may be included, however with no more than 20 per cent of a full-time post. To compensate for any time spent on such duties, extensions to the programme length and funding period will be granted. More information on doctoral studentships, part-time studies and part-time doctoral studentships can be found in the Regulations Handbook. The initial salary for a doctoral studentship is (XX) per month.

Entry requirements and selection
For admission to doctoral studies, applicants are required to meet general and specific entry requirements. In addition, they shall be considered in other respects to have the ability required to benefit from the programme. For a full account of the entry requirements, refer to the admissions regulations as well as to annex 2 to the general syllabus for the subject.

General entry requirements
Applicants meet the general entry requirements for doctoral studies if they:

• have been awarded a qualification at the Master's level, or
• have satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits (four years) of which at least 60 credits (one year) were awarded at the Master's level, or
• have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

Applicants with credits or qualifications from undergraduate programmes under the previous Swedish higher education system corresponding to these entry requirements are also eligible. The university may permit exemptions from the entry requirements for individual applicants, if there are special grounds.

Specific entry requirements
Applicants meet the specific entry requirements for doctoral studies in sociology if they have passed courses of at least 90 credits, including an independent project at the Bachelor's level in sociology. Applicants who have acquired substantially corresponding knowledge, in Sweden or abroad, also meet the specific entry requirements. Applicants with credits or qualifications from undergraduate programmes under the previous Swedish higher education system corresponding to these entry requirements are also eligible.

Ability to benefit from the course or study programme
The assessment whether an applicant has the ability to benefit from the programme shall be made based on prior courses and programmes taken by the applicant, on other previous activities, as well as on the essays and other independent projects of a scholarly nature that have been submitted by the applicant.

In selecting between applicants, their ability to benefit from the doctoral studies shall be taken into account (see the university's selection criteria, annex 2 to the general syllabus for the subject). If applicants are found to have equal qualifications, preference will be given to applicants of the underrepresented sex. The term underrepresented sex here refers to if and when the share of either female or male students enrolled on the doctoral study programme in the subject amounts to less than 40 per cent.

Application to the programme and for a doctoral studentship
For more information and application please visit

When you apply for admission, you automatically also apply for a doctoral studentship.

The application deadline is 2019-04-28. We look forward to receiving your application.

We decline any contact with advertisers or recruitment agencies in the recruitment process.

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Örebro Universitet

Örebro Universitet
Fakultetsgatan 1
70182 Örebro

Fakultetsgatan 1


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