Teleperformance Nordic AB is looking Real Time Analysts

Stockholm, Stockholm / Kontorsjobb / Stockholm
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Teleperformance Nordic

Do you have experience from strategic planning and analyzing resource optimization? Are you interested in being a part of a proactive team striving to maximize the resource utilization in the company? Then the position as a Real Time Analyst at Teleperformance is the place to be! 

What does a Real Time Analyst do?

The Real Time Analyst is responsible for managing intraday performance across the Nordic Contact Centers, to drive performance to deliver service at daily, weekly and monthly frequencies. The Real Time Analyst will optimize all resources to ensure best use of skills to manage work streams effectively.

As a Real Time Analyst you will be responsible for managing Real Time Adherence by agent and business teams across Nordic locations and to respond to real time service level agreement deviation, using the best practice escalation process. You will work proactively together with WorkForce Management to identify and address potential hot spots and take appropriate actions to minimize the impact on the business. You will monitor and manage contact center demands across all campaigns on an intraday basis by balancing activities/staffing to ensure that service level targets are being met. The role also includes a close cooperation with the Operational team to understand the reasons for customer contact and call drivers and you will also monitor the call delivery, IVR's and call flows to ensure appropriate call types are being routed to the correct agent skill sets.

Who do we look for?

Former experience from analytic and strategic work in a business oriented organization will provide you with good basic knowledge to perform in a position as a Real Time Analyst. If you are used to working with developing and managing processes you are going to be well aware of the challenges of this position and how to manage and move forward towards a winning concept.

You have former experience within resource planning within a contact center operation as well as from process implementation and change management. You have the ability to coordinate and implement multiple tasks effectively though pro-active and accurate planning. Meeting deadlines and improving performance and service is essential for the position. University degree and experience of using Work Force Management systems is something that you will benefit from with strong interpersonal skills and relationship management experience being advanageous

Does it sound interesting?

Submit your application today.

Teleperformance är världens ledande leverantör av outsourcing CRM och kundservice. Vi erbjuder överlägsna resultat i att hantera företags kundservice och teknisk support. Teleperformance grundades i Paris, Frankrike 1978 och är ett globalt företag med en närvaro i 46 länder med mer än 135.000 anställda på 270 kundservice. Som en del av Teleperformance-gruppen består Teleperformance Nordic AB av 10 kontor i Norden med 2500 anställda. Se även ,


Arbetstider och omfattning
100%. Tillträde: omgående tillsvidareanställning

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2013-08-14
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 2013/118
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Mike Holmes 0727041714

Stockholm, Stockholm

Stockholm, Stockholm
St Eriksgatan 115
11385 Stockholm


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