Technical and Marketing Writer

Thermo-Calc Software / Marknadsföringsjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Thermo-Calc Software i Stockholm, Solna eller i hela Sverige

Thermo-Calc Software develops software for computational materials engineering. Our software products are used both for fundamental research in material science and for industrial applications in, for example, the design of new alloys, optimisation of processing conditions and failure analysis. Our flagship product, Thermo-Calc, is licensed to over 1300 organisations in more than 70 countries. The company headquarters are located in Stockholm and there is a fully-owned subsidiary of Thermo-Calc Software in Pittsburgh, USA. In addition, we have local representation through partnerships in several other countries. The company was founded in 1997 and currently has 30 employees.

Job description:
A full-time position as a technical and marketing writer has opened up at our office in Stockholm, Sweden. Responsibilities include:
• Updating and developing the software documentation for our products. This includes, for example, user manuals, release notes, installation guides, reference documents and online help texts, as well as some educational material.
• Editing and/or writing white papers, case studies and other content marketing on topics related to computational materials engineering and materials design.
• Occasional editing and/or writing of book chapters, research reports and grant applications.

You will be part of Thermo-Calc Software?s Customer Relations team, which includes a Digital Marketing Specialist who writes some of the company?s marketing material (such as newsletters, press releases, flyers, ads and blog posts). You will also work closely with the Software Development team when you are working on user documentation for our products.

This is an exciting opportunity to make a significant impact within a global brand. Thermo-Calc Software has some of the most mature simulation software available for materials engineering and design.

You need to have some experience working in a technical and/or marketing writing role. Interest and curiosity with respect to science and engineering is crucial. Some familiarity with materials science, chemistry, physics or similar is desirable.

• Experience in technical and/or marketing writing (preferably both).
• Speak and write fluent English on a very high level.
• Hands-on, action-oriented, self-motivated and structured work attitude.
• Cooperative and diplomatic person with good social skills.

We kindly request that you send your personal application and CV via the ad on roi:recruit. Press ?sök tjänst? for applying for this service. Application via email is not accepted.
Your application must be sent in by 2014-01-11 at the latest. Any questions will be answered by Elin Albertsson at roi:recruit, .


Arbetstider och omfattning

Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-01-11
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 4107

Thermo-Calc Software

Thermo-Calc Software
Norra Stationsgatan 93

Norra Stationsgatan 93, 5tr.

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 08 - 545 959 30


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