Talented candidates within Clinical Operations

Kelly Services AB / Försäljarjobb / Malmö
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Visa alla jobb hos Kelly Services AB i Malmö, Lomma, Lund, Svedala, Trelleborg eller i hela Sverige

Are you talented within Clinical Operation?
Kelly Scientific Resources is specialized within staffing solutions to the Life Science and Healthcare industry. All our consultants have a Science background and recruitment experience. This makes us able to estimate the importance of your qualification to specific positions, and to guide you into your right future job. We have good and long-lasting business relations to both National and International companies, within the pharmaceutical- biotech- and medical devices industry.
We are always looking for talented candidates within Clinical Operations to join the team, when our customers are increasing with qualified employees. Now we are looking for talented people in Sweden, from the area of Stockholm and Malmö:
Clinical Research Associate (CRA and SCRA) Clinical Project Manager (CPM and CPC) Medical Writer Regulatory Affairs Pharmacovigilance Biostatician Data Management
We are not dealing with a specific job, but we are looking for candidates who are willing to step in, when our customers need new talented employees.
Qualifications for all positions:
You have a background as pharmacist, chemist, nurse, engineer or similar education You have experience from one of the above-mentioned positions or similar positions You have good communication skills and are able to work independently You are excellent in both written and spoken English You are a team player and have a good sense of humor
We offer
Personally and professional handling, conducted in fully discretion
Professional feedback about salery level, CV and inputs to application
If you are interested in the above mentioned position, please visit our website: http://www.kellyservices.se/http://www.kellyservices.se/ and search for Are you talented within Clinical Operation in the box called nyckelord, here you can upload your CV and application in a word document.
We are looking forward to receive your CV and application.
If you have any questions please contact us at: :@kellyservices.dk
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Ange följande referens när du ansöker: SE292843
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Kelly Services AB

Kelly Services AB
Regeringsgatan 77
11139 Stockholm


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