Systemutvecklare - Ny frontend roll till Futureordering i Luleå

Poolia Sverige AB / Datajobb / Luleå
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Visa alla jobb hos Poolia Sverige AB i Luleå, Boden, Piteå, Kalix, Älvsbyn eller i hela Sverige

Till Futureordering söker vi en ny utvecklare! Vill du jobba i ett produktbolag med ny teknik och stor framtidstor och som nu expanderar över hela världen? Missa då inte den här chansen utan skicka in din ansökan till oss redan idag!

About the position
At Future Ordering we are providing a digital ordering platform for global restaurant brands. We have for almost 10 years been working restlessly to create a platform to disrupt the global Food and Beverage industry. Today we are running in ten countries with millions of transactions per month. The company has attracted renowned restaurant brands such as Max Burgers and Circle K.

Become a member in one of our small autonomous development teams that has full responsibility of one of our fundamental sub-systems powering our world leading digital ordering platform. Together with your teammates you will be a part of shaping the restaurant of the future.

What you would get at Future Ordering

• A fair and competitive salary.
• Secure employment with retirements savings and pension plans, private health insurance and self-improvement benefits.
• Flexible workplace with the ability to work from home and on-site in any combination, depending on your situation and preferences.
• Training during working hours and competitive wellness allowance.
• 30 days of paid leave.
• A collaborate workplace culture that encourages curiousness and taking responsibility.

Your profile
• At least 2 years of work experience
• Experience with Typescript.
• Experience with React.
• Enjoys problem solving.
• Enjoys learning new things.

Earn bonus points with
• Experience with .NET Core and/or?Node.js.
• Experience with event and?queue-based?development.
• Experience with Microsoft Azure Cloud's infrastructure.
• Experience?with?building distributed systems.
• Experience with C#.
• Experience with Docker.
• Experience with bundlers such as esbuild, webpack and Parcel.js
• Interest for Backend.

About the organisation
We Are the Future of Ordering
Future Ordering develops the next generation omnichannel self-ordering platform for the Food and Beverage industry. Foodtech is as hot as ever and we are considered as the leaders within our field.

We are growing at a rapid rate with new markets and partners, and we are inviting more brilliant minds to join us in shaping the future of an entire industry.

We are embracing you just like you are
Our team and culture is our absolute greatest asset. We want to strive for diversity, and we welcome all applications regardless of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, background, religion, sexual orientation, age or functional variation.

We are fostering a culture of curiosity, problem solving, communication and sharing our skills with each other to reach our goals together as a team. We support each other, evolve and grow together.

Read more about us at

Tjänsten är en rekrytering och du kommer direkt att bli anställd utav Futureordering. Varmt välkommen med din ansökan. Urval sker löpande, ansök därför redan idag genom att klicka på ansök på

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid Tillsvidare


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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-01-18
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Poolia Sverige AB

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "62448".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Poolia Sverige AB ( 556426-7655),

Poolia Umeå AB

Linus Norlin
070-147 54 52


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