System Administrator

Easypeak för kund / Datajobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Easypeak för kund i Stockholm, Lidingö, Huddinge, Botkyrka, Upplands-Bro eller i hela Sverige

Det är på Södermalm i Stockholm det händer! Närmare bestämt på Dalslandsgatan 3, på Easypeaks nyrenoverade kontor. Vi på Easypeak är ledande specialister inom search och headhunting. Vi hjälper företag att hitta nyckelpersoner, oavsett om det är young professionals, erfarna specialister eller chefer. Under 2011 hjälpte vi knappt 1000 företag och organisationer i deras rekrytering. Vi jobbar alltid stenhårt för att hitta rätt person för rätt plats!

Neon Stingray is a new type of Digital Business that specializes in Internet enabled applications and experiences to any device. We combine world class digital thinking with custom solutions and best of breed technology from global market leaders such as Google, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon. Our clients include Com Hem, SF Anytime, NetHandelen, Sony Music and more. In becoming a member of the team at NeonStingray, you will enter a fast, dynamic and fastly growing company with a strong belief in a convergence and cloud computing. We are pioneers in cross platform apps and media. The position as System administrator will bring you a continuous flow of new challenges at the forefront of technology rangning from Web, Connected TV, ipads and different Android devices.

About the position
As a System Administrator your role will be primarly focused on setting up new client solutions, as well as managing and maintaining existing systems. You will get to work on exciting end to end projects with deployment of large scale, high transaction e-commerce websites, and development of media services on any connected device. You together with your team will investigate issues reported by customers, helping customers solve technical issues with our products and set up infrastructure for our products in cloud based hosting. You will monitor and maintain the systems performance, QA testing new features before they are put in production, and deploy new versions to the production server. You will develop customer facing documentation for our website on and as needed basis, communication customer needs and wishes to our development and engineering staff. You will also maintain technical and project documentation, software development and maintenance of products and services.

Required Skills
Windows server administration, MS SQL, FTP, IlS Web, Back up administration, Network administration, Streaming video (CDN), DRM technology for video demand, Administration of monitoring systems.

Who are you
Multiskilled, serviceminded with strong interpersonal skills interested in cutting edge technology and with strong organizational skills. You have experience of Helpdesk work and managing windows servers. Moreover experience of managing Linux servers and network administration, software development. Communitional skills are essential.

Rekryterare: Jessica Andersson
Telefonnummer: 08 - 41 200 346

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Easypeak för kund

Easypeak för kund
Dalslandsgatan 3
11858 Stockholm

Dalslandsgatan 3

Telefonnummer: 08-41200300


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