Super User Trainer

Tetra Pak / Speciallärarjobb / Lund
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The Super User Training team, part of the Business Transformation Office, is driving Super User competence globally across pro-cesses. Working in co-operation with the Global Process teams the Super User Training team drives assessments of Super Users and delivers training, both instructor led and through e-learnings.

To strengthen the Order Fulfilment Packaging Material (OFPM) process competence, the Super User Training Team is looking to in-crease the team with two OFPM trainers. As OFPM Super User trainer, you will be part of a skilled and professional team that drives pro-cess competence globally in Tetra Pak. You will work closely with the OFPM Global Pro-cess team and the other trainers to improve the process execution competence.

Main responsibilities
• Development of training material for class-room, webinars and e-learnings
• Delivering training through classroom and webinar sessions.
• Participate in approaches to improve pro-cess competence in areas indicated below

We believe you have strong pedagogical skills and a desire to share knowledge.

You are proficient in English and are a good communicator both verbally and in writing, and are sensitive to cultural diversity.

You are adaptable and a good listener and are comfortable with working both inde-pendently and in collaboration with others.

You have business process experience in the area of Order Fulfilment Packaging Material, or if external to Tetra Pak, in manufacturing industry environment. Of special importance are Planning, Production and Logistics. Fi-nance knowledge is a plus.

Please submit your application online at no later than August 14, 2017.

For further information about the position, please contact Pontus Böckman at +46 46 36 3441.

For trade union information please contact Unionen/Annika Svensson at +46 46 36 3916 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Lars Haraldsson at +46 46 36 2533.

For information about your application, please contact recruiter Helena Erixon at +46 46 36 1433.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Location: Lund


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-08-14

Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
22186 LUND


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