Software Development Manager

vChain AB / Chefsjobb / Malmö
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Software Development Manager

The Software Development Manager are responsible for development of the company's software platforms.
You are responsible for the development process of new software products; the responsibility extends from product order from the product organization to delivery of a validated and approved product according to order.
The Software Development Manager shall actively find and evaluate new technology that streamlines operation and maintenance and creates new opportunities in existing and new products.
The Software Development Manager are responsible for operation and maintenance of our product platforms and integrated 3-party products. Responsibility cover maintaining stability and quality according to companys specifications.
Continuously evaluate product performance and actively improve product performance.
Responsible for ideas and proposals being handled and evaluated and implemented if they are in line with the company's strategy and priorities. Actively drive and stimulate the organization to innovation
The The Software Development Manager lead and develop the development organization and ensure that the organization has the right skills.
Objectives and Responsibilities of the Software Development Manager
Supervisory Role: The Software Development Manager oversees the roles of developers. The Software Development Manager constantly ensures that our product platforms are well functioning and minimize down time.
Innovation: The Software Development Manager is also tasked with overseeing the innovation and improvement of our products and platforms as well as the day-to-day product activities in such a way that ensures that the product is constantly available for consumers.
Collaboration: As mentioned, the position of Software Development Manager is an cross-functional nature and this implies a high level of collaboration with Customers, internal organization as well as the company's management.
Required Qualifications of the Software Development Manager
Education: A suitable candidate will have a master's degree in Engineering or Computer Science.
Experience: The candidate must have 5-7 years of experience in Software Development and experience from international organization and both inhouse and outsourced resources.
Communication Skills: Excellent communication skills are a must for this position. The position is a strategic/Tactical position and communication must be effective down the line in order to ensure the proper execution and in interaction with Management.
Leadership/People Skills: As the Software Development Manager, you will demonstrate strong leadership skills with an ability to move his peers as well as his juniors and have them follow a common vision. Great leadership should further be coupled with excellent people skills. People skills are what will make people want to follow him and readily and happily apply his directives.
Analytical Skills: The Software Development Manager should also demonstrate a high level of analytical and quantitative skills. He should possess the ability to use information/data and various metrics to develop and report performance of his area of responsibility


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-05-25

Vchain AB
Skruvgatan 5
21124 Malmö

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "Ansökan Software Dev. Manager".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Vchain AB ( 556953-6948),
Skruvgatan 5 (visa karta)
211 24  MALMÖ


Jerry Lindholm


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