Software developers - Nanjing Product Line - Epiroc

Epiroc / Datajobb / Örebro
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Software developers - Nanjing Product Line, China
Rocktec Automation, is the global software and electronic hardware design center for Epiroc.

We are developing software solutions for all of our mining and construction products, everything from basic machine control to fully autonomous system remotely controlled from anywhere in the world. Epiroc with more than 200 software developers, qualify as one of Örebro's largest automation and digitization companies. Except from our main development hub in Örebro we have offices on the major automation markets around the globe. The company was founded in Stockholm, Sweden, and has passionate people supporting and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries.

Job description
As software developer, Nanjing Product Line, for our LHD products at Rocktec Division, you will work with the latest technology within control systems for heavy equipment. We are working with state of the art technology in several areas and you will be a key player in our mission to become best in class. We strongly believe in our people and to share competence, therefore we strive to give our developers a broad perspective. Our way of working is to include the developers in an early phase in projects, i.e. from idea to final product.
In this position, you will work with software development for our products developed in our plant in Nanjing, China, and you will be our speaking partner to the colleagues in Nanjing. Your tasks will varies from day to day, but typical jobs can be to discuss with our customers about the function and to define a specifications together with system designers, develop software, use simulators to verify your software design, evaluation on machine either together with professional test personal or together with colleagues, and of course documentation. For this position, you will be located in Örebro, Sweden, but must be open to travel to China for shorter or longer periods, to support the local project team at startups and functional tests.
Another important objective is our Operational efficiency, there we are building a culture where the team is the driver to push us forward.

To meet customer requirements and understand the applications we believe that customer visits and a continuous dialogue with the customer is a vital part of your job.
All software development are done in C++ with Linux as OS, the team have an agile setup and consist of 5-6 persons with different skills and expertise.

The Software development is concentrated in Örebro for Epiroc 's Mining and Rock excavation business area. Today there are 200+ developers at the Automation department.

Background and experience

- B.Sc. or M.Sc. in Computer Engineering
- Wide knowledge in embedded software development, object-oriented analysis and design
- Experience from control technology
- Interest in vehicles and their control systems
- Experience from driveline control is a plus

Personality requirements
To succeed in this position you should be passionate about get things moving. You have an interest in China and to work together with a Chinese team, creative, driven and like new challenges. We search for a team player with a desire to contribute and are open to learn and improve. You have strong skills in English, both verbally and in writing, as English is essential to communicate with both internal and external contacts. Skills in Chinese language is a plus and Swedish is good to have.

Benefits of working at Epiroc
As Epiroc is a global corporation, it allows us to offer great developing possibilities both here in Sweden and around the globe. We offer a range of different educations through our new education center and also an important flexibility in the work place. As expected, we are affiliated to a collective bargaining agreement which offers good incurrence and pension terms, health care benefits and reinforced parental benefits when on parental leave.

Does this sound interesting and do you feel that you could be our new colleague? Log in to the recruitment system "My Network" on Varbi. If you are new to the system, you need to start by making a profile. Don't forget to attach your CV and a short letter about your-self, describing why you are applying for this role. Please note that we do not accept applications via email.
Send your application as soon as possible, but no later than January 8th.

In this recruitment, we cooperate with Oak Consulting. For more information about the process, please contact: Helena Fiedler, +4670-5919033,

For more information about the role, please contact recruiting manager: Jimmy Holler Manager LHD application, +46736511352,

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100% tillsvidareanställning


Monthly salary

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-01-08
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 2018/87
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Helena Fiedler 070-591 90 33


Klerkgatan 21
70191 Örebro

Klerkgatan 21


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