Software developer

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti / Datajobb / Solna
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The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) invites applications for the position of a software developer for the SIPRI Information Retrieval Portal on Peace and Security project, which is financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. Established in 1966, SIPRI provides analysis and recommendations, based on transparent data and information, to policymakers, researchers, the media and the interested public. More information about the institute is available at .
The Information Retrieval Portal on Peace and Security (IRPPS) will offer academics, diplomats, the media, governments, students and all others interested in these issues the entire pool of SIPRI's time-series data, contextual analyses, and full texts of SIPRI's extensive list of publications as well as bibliographical entries from SIPRI's library holdings, all via a single, user-friendly interface. In this way, the portal will function as a live, regularly updated encyclopedia of topical information in the broad field of peace and security. The use of visual aids will make the data and other information easily understandable and accessible.
Required skills and experience:
• Expert knowledge of relational databases and NoSQL databases and the various trade-offs involved
• Working knowledge of Java
• Working knowledge of a back-end programming language (e.g. PHP, Python, JavaScript/Node.js, Ruby)
• Excellent knowledge of CSS, HTML and JavaScript
• Strong understanding of web and accessibility standards
• Experience with Unix/Linux
• Working knowledge of English
Desired skills and experience:
• Previous contributions to open source projects
• A good eye for design and clear understanding of usability standards
• Degree in software development, computer science or related field, or equivalent work experience
Employment period: 1 May (or earlier) 2011 to 31 December 2012
For further information about the position, contact:
Gerd Hagmeyer-Gaverus, Project Leader, email .
Applications: Applicants should submit
• A one-page covering letter
• A CV with information about your educational background, and relevant experience and skills
• References whom SIPRI may contact about your previous employments
Applications should be sent to:
Closing date for applications: 15 March 2011
Please note that, due to limited resources, only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2011-03-15
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Gerd Hagmeyer-Gaverus, Projektledare, 08-655 97 68,

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti
Signalistgatan 9
16970 SOLNA

Signalistgatan 9

Telefonnummer: 08-6559700
Faxnummer: 08-6559733


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