Senior LeLecturer in Nursing with specialization in Anaesthesia

Göteborgs universitet / Högskolejobb / Göteborg
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Kort beskrivning av företaget: The Institute of Health and Care Sciences offers a number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes as well as individual academic courses within the first and second cycle of higher education. The undergraduate programme for nurses and radiographers lead to both a professional qualification and a bachelor's degree. The programmes in midwifery and specialist nursing with different specialisations lead to a professional qualification in combination with a master's degree (60 higher education credits). All professional programmes lead to professional qualifications. Moreover, freestanding courses are offered at an advanced level, and give opportunity for continued studies to a master's degree (120 higher education credits) in one of the institute's main field of study; nursing, reproductive and perinatal health, radiography and health care pedagogics. The institute also offers a postgraduate programme leading to a PhD degree in Health Care Sciences.

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Titel: Lecturer in Nursing with specialization in Anaesthesia Care

Beskrivning av arbetsuppgifter: SUBJECT AREA DESCRIPTION: Nursing as a main field of study focuses on developing the knowledge about health and quality of life despite illness or disability, and a peaceful and dignified death. In nursing, it is not the illness or disability in itself, but rather the person's experience, interpretation and reactions to illness and disease that is in focus. JOB ASSIGNMENTS: This position is located at the Clinical Training Center (KTC). The duties consist of planning, teaching, distribution of summative assessments and evaluation of the clinical training, especially within the specialist nurse programme with a focus on anaesthetic care. However, the candidate may be required to teach at the first cycle level of the nursing programme or within other programmes at the Sahlgrenska Academy. It is expected that the candidate will make active efforts towards achieving the institution's goals, work in accordance with the business plan and participate in planned joint meetings and activities at the institution. The applicant is expected to be able to teach in Swedish.

Beskrivning av kvalifikationer: ELIGIBILITY: Completed university education at the least advanced level in Nursing or Health Care Pedagogics and demonstrated pedagogical skills. Qualification as a registered nurse and specialist nurse with a specialization in Anaesthesia Care. ASSESSMENT: The first assessment criterion is current clinical experience from an anaesthetic care environment, demonstrated quality and breadth of teaching qualifications. A particular merit is an interest in and experience from research-based and theory-based teaching of students in clinical context. It is sifnificant for the candidate to have an ability to collaborate and being flexible in meetings with groups of students and teachers. Furthermore, the applicant's administrative skills will be taken into account. The applicant is expected to teach in Swedish.

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Tillträde: By agreement

Typ av anställning: Vanlig anställning
Erfarenhet: Erfarenhet krävs
Varaktighet: 6 månader eller längre
Arbetstid: Deltid

Övrig information beträffande


: The employment is a part time, 50 %, temporary post for up to 16 months, but no longer then until December 31 2019

Löneform: Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

Övrig information beträffande löneform:

Övriga villkor:

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Löneform: Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
AG referens: PAR 2018/563
Andra uppgifter: See more info on the University of Gothenburgs homepage job opportunities. KONTAKTPERSONER
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Funktion: Head of Department
Namn: Lena Oxelmark
E-post: Telefon: +46 31 786 60 89

Funktion: Head of Department
Namn: Ingela Lundgren
E-post: Telefon: +46 31 786 60 52


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Annons fr.o.m: 2018-05-04
t.o.m: 2018-05-28

Övriga upplysningar: OBS! Vänligen skicka orderbekräftelse till: Jenny Lundin - tel. 0766-18 35 75 Tack! Med vänlig hälsning Pernilla Kramer

Varaktighet, arbetstid

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 0001-01-01

Göteborgs universitet

Göteborgs universitet
Box 100

Universitetsplatsen 1


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