Senior lecturer in Nursing

Göteborgs universitet / Högskolejobb / Göteborg
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Senior lecturer in Nursing, specialising in instructing the
patient and his/her close relatives and friends
Type of employment: Permanent post
Extent: 100 %

Location: Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Göteborg
First day of employment: By agreement
Reference number: PER 2013/199
Education and research within health care sciences are based upon on three main profile areas: i)
Symptoms, health and care, ii) The significance of the environment for health and care, iii)
Learning and leadership in health care and education. According to Göteborg University's Vision 2020 and the Sahlgrenska Academy Plan of Action for 2013-2015, the aim is to create academically complete environments with close collaboration between research, education and the surrounding community. The intention is to carry out both short-term and long-term measures which promote competitive care science research and top-class education at both bachelor's and master's levels. One strategy for achieving this is to advertise teaching positions within one of the profile areas combined with a requirement for clinical experience or experience of the field of research. To as great an extent as possible, teaching at the institute should be carried out by vocationally trained teachers who can be expected to gain research funding in the face of nationwide competition.
Furthermore, internationalisation of the courses and research is to be given priority. This means appointing teachers/researchers who are used to working internationally in both education and research. The connection between health, environment and life situation from both a national and global perspective is at the core of all our health care and nursing courses. The same is true of human rights and sustainable development issues.

Subject area
Nursing, specialising in instructing the patient and his/her close relatives and friends

Specific subject description
Nursing is a main field of studies which includes teaching students about i) health and a good life despite illnesses and functional impairments and ii) about a peaceful and dignified death. This aspect of nursing does not focus upon the illness or functional impairment but instead focuses upon people's experiences and interpretation of and reactions to ill health and diseases.

Job assignments
The work duties include teaching, responsibility for courses, tutoring and examinations for courses which are at both bachelor's and master's levels and from all of the institute's course programmes. Teaching at doctoral level may be included. The task of teacher with course responsibility means that the appointee will have to develop and co-ordinate teaching goals, teaching activities, various kinds of examinations and assessment criteria. The appointee will be involved in course contents and aims and will need to apply current pedagogical research. The appointee will also be responsible for quality assurance for the course programme using validatory assessment methods. The position also requires the appointee to achieve the institute'sgoals, implement its plan of action and to participate in planned meetings and activities at theinstitute. The appointee will also be expected to actively initiate and apply for external research grants. The appointment is full time.

A PhD, demonstrated teaching skills, registered nurse.

För all information/ansökningsförfarande läs vidare på:


Arbetstider och omfattning

By agreement

Fast lön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2013-06-17
Applications must be designed according to the Sahlgrenska Academy instructions for teaching
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: PER 2013/199
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Annica Lagström, Senior lecturer, 031-786 23 60
Ingela Lundgren, Head of Institute, 031-786 60 52

Facklig kontakt
OFR/S Stefan Schedin, 031-786 11 67
SACO: Catrine Forsnabba, 031-786 42 34
SEKO: Lennart Olsson, 031-786 11 73

Göteborgs universitet

Göteborgs universitet
Box 100

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Telefonnummer: 031-7860000


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