Senior lecturer in Media Technology

Malmö universitet / Högskolejobb / Malmö
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Department of Computer Science and Media Technology
At the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, DVMT, there are 60 faculty teachers and researchers. The department has an international character with employees from around twenty different countries.
DVMT offers eight master's programs and three master's programs in media technology, computer science, computer engineering and informatics, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Engineering program in computer technology and mobile IT. Our education, as well as our research activities, have close connections to the surrounding society and industry. Most of our programs received the highest marks in the Vice Chancellor's Office's latest quality evaluation.

The department conducts technically and socially relevant research, for instance in the area of Internet of Things and People (IoTaP), which deals with connected objects in our environment with a particular emphasis on user perspectives. Several of the department's researchers are active within the research collaboration Software Center, where Malmö University is a partner. At the Computational Media Lab, housed at Media Techology, researchers are involved in the development of digital media, and mediated forms of communication and social interaction. Another central field of the department's research concerns the digitisation of public transport in connection with K2, the National Knowledge Center for public transport. DVMT is also the institutional home for the interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research program Data Society, in which researchers study the effects of digitalisation and datafication on society.

For more about the department, see
(In English)
(In Swedish)

Job description
The position is within the Media Technology section of the department. Media technology at Malmö University is defined as the study and development of media production, platforms and channels in relation to their technical, social, cultural and economic conditions. A senior university lecturer conducts teaching independently and in collaboration with the teacher group (often with course or program responsibility), undertakes examinations at the basic and advanced levels, engages with curricular development, conducts research, and cooperates in various ways with the surrounding community. The teaching duties within the position are mainly in the field of digital methods, especially in data-driven analysis, data visualisation, as well as quantitative or qualitative methodology. Supervision of degree projects at the undergraduate and graduate level in any of the department's subject areas is another important element of your duties. As a senior university lecturer, you are also expected to actively participate in the department's research activities, to seek external research grants and develop international collaborations.

Those qualified for appointment as a senior lecturer are, except in disciplines in the fine, applied or performing arts, a person who has demonstrated teaching expertise and been awarded a PhD or has the corresponding research competence or some other professional expertise that is of value in view of the subject matter of the post and the duties that it will involve. (Chapter 4, Section 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance)

A university teacher at Malmö university is expected to have a pedagogical higher education comprising at least 15 higher education credits, or equivalent formalized higher pedagogical education. New employees who do not have this training must, within the framework of their employment, begin such training within one year from the start of the employment.

Further information
Bo Peterson, Head of Department,
Sara Eriksson, HR-specialist,

Malmö University kindly but firmly declines direct contact with recruiting and staffing agencies, as well as job advertising sellers.

Additional information
This is a permanent, full-time position.
Malmö University is a workplace characterised by an open and inclusive approach where equal treatment adds value to our activities. At Malmö University, individual salary negotiations apply.

Starting date
The position will commence by September 1st 2020, or at another date by mutual agreement.
A probationary period of six months may apply.

Union representativies
SACO Stefan Gustafsson,
OFR/ST Bodil Sterner,

We look forward to receiving your application!

Varaktighet, arbetstid
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