Science/NO Teacher for Internationella Engelska

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle / Grundskollärarjobb / Gävle
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Visa alla jobb hos Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle i Gävle

Science/NO Teacher for Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle
Last day of application: Sunday 25th May 2008.
Starting date: August 2008.
Job Description: 100 % general time-limited to June 2009 opportunity to permanent contract if suitable.
Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle belongs to Internationella Engelska Skolan i Sverige AB, with 9 schools throughout Sweden (2006). Our company is well established with 13 years of experience in operating independent schools. We are one of the most successful companies of its kind in Sweden. Our schools are for students in Years 6-9. In addition, we have Upper Secondary School.
Internationella Engelska Skolan in Gävle is located in centrum of Gävle. We have approximately 560 students. Our profile is bilingualism and multi-culturalism, with strong visions and an ethos of discipline and respect to achieve academic success. We focus on learning, knowledge and high academic standards. Careful planning, orderliness and respect for each other are emphasized to create a safe and pleasant work environment for students and staff.
The 100% Science teaching position requires working with a small team of dedicated teachers who deliver the Swedish national curriculum for Science, in the English language. Standard planning and grading criteria are set and the post involves working with Year 6-9 students. The school encourages its staff members to be actively involved in all areas of the school, both inside and outside of the classroom.
A high level of proficiency in one or both of the languages, English or Swedish, is desired. The school will assist with language training if required.
Teacher qualifications are required for permanent employment as a teacher, although unqualified staff may apply for temporary positions. Please send a copy of your resume and two references. Also provide a letter outlining your teaching philosophy and reasons why you would like to work in the Internationella Engelska Skolan organisation. We are also interested in other subject you may teach. Please visit our homepage. for more information about our schools and our concept.
Please apply via e-mail to the administration ekonom


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
100 % general time-limited to June 2009 opportunity to permanent contract if suitable.

Fast lön
individual salery

Så ansöker du
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Marie Oppitz, administratör, 026543092 (administration),

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle

Internationella Engelska Skolan i Gävle
Södra Kungsgatan 59
80255 Gävle

Södra Kungsgatan 59

Telefonnummer: 026-543092
Faxnummer: 026-543098


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