Sales Manager Sweden

Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag / Tele- och elektronikmontörsjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla tele- och elektronikmontörsjobb i Stockholm, Solna, Lidingö, Sundbyberg, Danderyd eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag i Stockholm, Solna, Järfälla, Sollentuna, Täby eller i hela Sverige

As our Sales Manager Sweden you will have an absolute key role when it comes to accelerating our business on the Swedish market. You will focus on finding new arenas where our power solutions can contribute to our customer's day-to-day operations. You will market and sell custom design solutions, mainly to customers within industry, renewable energy and railway. You report directly to the VP Sales & Marketing located in Vantaa north of Helsinki.
Powernet offers an environment and position that requires a self dependent person who knows what it takes to really make a difference. You are most likely located close to Stockholm or in the southern half of Sweden and will work with your home office as base.
You have at least five years of experience from qualified technical sales. You know what it takes to build confidence in our customers' R&D departments and have worked towards industry, renewable energy and/or railway companies. You speak Swedish fluently and have very good knowledge in English.
Don't miss this opportunity! Apply now by sending your application and CV in English via ref nr. SE-02906. Questions are answered by Mercuri Urval on 08 - 617 11 00. For more information see .
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Ange följande referens när du ansöker: SE-02906
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Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.

Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag

Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag
BOX 55703
11483 Stockholm


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