RF Konstruktör

PAf Rekrytering Axell Wireless / Elektronikjobb / Sundbyberg
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Visa alla jobb hos PAf Rekrytering Axell Wireless i Sundbyberg, Stockholm eller i hela Sverige

With a 40 year track record and operating from a global network of 16 offices Axell Wireless occupies a leadership position for DAS and wireless coverage solutions for the cellular market and is the overall global market leader for public safety and railway applications. Continuous technological innovation has provided Axell with customers in over 150 countries including 170 mobile operators across the globe. Axell has been involved in deploying systems in some of the world's leading infrastructure buildings and complexes.

Over the last few years we have delivered coverage solutions to some of the most prestigious buildings and venues around the world, such as the stadiums and Olympic Village for London Olympics 2012, the Eurotunnel link between France and UK, Burj Khalifa, the Pentagon, metros in Stockholm, Paris, Oslo, Singapore, Washington, Warzaw, Beijing, Hamburg to name but a few. Our Swedish R&D site is located in spacious and modern offices in Marabou-huset in central Sundbyberg, with excellent links to public transport and on-site parking.

Axell Wireless has R&D and sales offices all over the world, so we are working in a truly international environment.

We are now expanding our R&D team in Sundbyberg why we want to employ additional resource. This position is part of an RF design team which develops all RF parts in our repeater systems. The work is performed in close contact with our local RF architects.

RF Design Engineer

RF Konstruktör

Sökord: RF, konstruktör, test, projekt, utveckling, civilingenjör, högskoleingenjör, radio elektronik, CAD, Altium


• RF design work together with RF architects
• Participating in defining new designs based on market requirements
• RF simulations in Microwave Office
• Evaluation and test of available RF modules on from the market
• Prototype work, RF test and verification of RF modules
• Test and verification of repeater products in respect of available standards such as ETSI and FCC


• MSc or BSc within electronics or similar


• At least 1-3 years working experience
• Proven ability within RF design
• A profound technical interest especially within Radio electronics
• Documented ability to debug RF modules and RF boards
• Integral ability in using various types of RF test equipment and in practice implement test methodology
• RF design standards
• Fluent in English
• Integral competence to work in project teams and ability to share results and knowledge. Good communicator.


• Willing to learn new technology and work methods
• Structured and thorough
• Calm with a logical and analytical approach
• Self-starter with social competence


• CAD and schematics in Altium
• Knowledge of DSP systems  
• Knowledge within radiosystems such as GSM/WCDMA/LTE/TETRA


Location is Sundbyberg, Sweden.

In your role as Embedded RF Design engineer you will:

• Join a diverse, international team that develops market leading software wireless coverage products.
• Work in a highly successful company which is expanding quickly and making record profits each year.
• Have great possibilities to learn new technologies and skills and develop in the directions you find interesting.
• Work with cutting edge technology in telecommunications industry.
• Benefit from a work environment where creativity plays the most important role.
• Work in a modern and spacious office with relaxed and informal atmosphere.

If the above sounds like: "Yes that's definitely for me!" and you want to be part of a team that develops really cool things for wireless coverage products, please send you application as soon as possible, explaining why you are the person we need!

Antag utmaningen och sök tjänsten snarast genom att registrera din ansökan och CV i nedre delen av annonsen på vår hemsida  www.pafrekrytering.se.\xC2_
Därmed finns du i vår databas och kan bli tillgänglig för framtida rekryteringar om inte denna tjänst blir aktuell. 
(Dessutom är det ingen risk att din ansökan hamnar i spam-filtret).

För närmare information om tjänsten kontakta PAf Rekrytering: 
Hans Lundberg tfn: 0704-13 05 80, Jimmy Schwartz tfn: 0707-35 06 22. 
Urval och intervjuer kommer att ske löpande, så vi vill gärna ha din ansökan omgående.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-01-15
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Hans Lundberg +46 704 13 05 80

PAf Rekrytering Axell Wireless

PAf Rekrytering Axell Wireless
Box 7139
17407 Sundbyberg

Löfströms Allé 5

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