R&D Projekt manager

Manpower / Logistikjobb / Malmö
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Visa alla logistikjobb i Malmö, Burlöv, Lomma, Staffanstorp, Vellinge eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Manpower i Malmö, Lomma, Staffanstorp, Vellinge, Lund eller i hela Sverige

Tunstall är ett världsledande företag inom it, teknik och systemlösningar som underlättar och förbättrar vård och omsorg av äldre, funktionshindrade och kroniskt sjuka. Företaget grundades i Storbritannien 1957 och är med över 1800 anställda ett globalt företag som utvecklar, tillverkar och tillhandahåller trygghetssystem i ett 30-tal länder med över 2,5 miljoner brukare över hela världen.

I Norden har Tunstall nyligen förstärkt sin ställning genom förvärvet av STT Condigi. Tunstall Nordic har nu en omsättning på ca 500 MSEK, har sitt huvudkontor i Malmö och är verksamt i Sverige, Danmark, Finland och har export till ett flertal europeiska länder.

Work description
You will operationally lead and plan R&D development in the Nordic region of both SW and HW projects and activities end-to-end, through all phases of the product development cycle. The development teams are located internally and some development is outsourced. Projects span from pure SW systems and applications development and to product development encompassing industrial design, HW design, FW and SW development, production, ramp-up and launch. All projects include deliveries of documentation, information and training material for the market organization. Since several projects and development activities run in parallel you will also be responsible leading resource planning together with resource owners, as well as manage the projects from a program- and portfolio perspective. The size of individual projects typically varies from 2-3 engineers up to a 10, and lead times typical from 3 months to 12 month, so hands-on experience and interest as is key in the role in order to make good and pragmatic judgment of how to manage the individual tasks and issues that needs completion. Close cooperation with product managers who make the formal order and acceptance of the development is a key part of the role. We are commercially oriented and sometimes you will interact directly with customers and partners. Another key task is to report project status, progress, escalations and seek support as needed to plan and deliver projects and activities successfully.

You will in some instances act as liaison to development projects running elsewhere in Europe. In addition to this we have two R&D development sites within the Nordics, in Denmark and Sweden.

• MSc in computer science, informatics, engineering or similar.
• Excellent Swedish and English skills, both written and spoken.
• At least 5 years' experience as R&D project manager.
• Good grasp of Project Management paradigms, processes and tools, i.e. bring a well-stocked personal "project manager toolbox".
• Experience of both embedded products development, and software systems development
• Experience with agile methods is a strong merit
• Any relevant certifications in the project management domain are considered as merits

• Hands-on, ability to solve projects issues pragmatically
• Commercially oriented.
• Analytical, thorough and result oriented.
• Communicative. You are known for your ability to work very well with others.
• Excellent ability in multitasking and independent problem solving.
• You are a realistic risk taker, i.e. you dare to win.
• Ability to quickly learn advanced technical processes and concepts.
• Open minded and innovative.

Please apply with a updated CV and a coverletter.
If you have any questions please contact recruitmentconsultant Patrik Nordberg after August 20th at 040-6606355


Arbetstider och omfattning
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Sista dag att ansöka är 2012-08-25
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Patrik Nordberg, 040-660 63 55




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