Professor in Forest pathology

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Högskolejobb / Uppsala
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Faculty of Forest Sciences
Department of Forest mycology and plant pathology
An appointment as Professor in Forest pathology is vacant in the Department of forest mycology and plant pathology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. Our department provides a dynamic and international research environment that comprises experts who conduct fundamental and applied research on interactions between microorganisms and plants, mycology, microbial ecology and evolution, and biodiversity. Central themes are forest and plant pathology and nutrient and carbon cycling in agricultural and forest ecosystems. About half of the research in the department is in the area of pathology of crops and forest trees. The position is placed in the subject area of forest pathology. Current research focus on infection biology of forest pathogenic fungi and resistance biology of trees, and includes systematics and identification of fungi, fungal genomics and population genetics of fungi. Other research areas are biodiversity and invasive species in forest ecosystems, as well as applied research in forest management and resistance breeding. The department is responsible for and participate in teaching in forest and plant pathology in several programs and courses.

Subject Area
The subject area for the position is forest pathology. The subject includes disease on trees and forest ecosystems, primarily those caused by pathogenic fungi. The research can include, but is not limited to, interactions between trees and pathogenic fungi, fundamental biology (genomics, evolution, ecology) of forest pathogenic fungi, disease resistance, and research on invasive species. The research can address both fundamental and applied research questions of relevance for the subject area, forest ecosystems and forest health.

Within the subject area for the position, the professor is expected to:

• develop a strong research environment with internationally recognized and successful research
• manage and support a research team
• apply for external research funding from national and international sources
• develop and maintain national and international network in academia, industry and society
• collaborate with researchers within and outside SLU
• develop, lead and participate in teaching and supervision of students at all levels
• supervise and train PhD students
• contribute to the strategic development at department and faculty levels
• disseminate research findings and contribute relevant knowledge to society

The candidate who is offered the position shall:

• have a PhD degree in a relevant subject for the position and the qualifications required to be appointed docent (associate professor) or equivalent
• be scientifically skilled within the subject area for this appointment
• be pedagogically skilled
• be able to communicate in English both in writing and orally

Assessment Criteria
Assessment for appointment of a professor will primarily be based on the degree to which the applicant possesses the required qualifications specified for the position.

The assessment of scientific skills will consider:

• quality and quantity of current and previous research
• visions for future research
• ability to independently initiate, lead and develop novel research
• ability to train PhD students and young researchers
• ability to successfully obtain external research funds

The assessment of pedagogic skills will consider:

• planning, conducting and evaluating teaching
• experience of supervision and examination of undergraduate students
• experience of supervision and examination at doctoral level
• pedagogic vision
• ability and capacity to integrate research and a scientific approach in teaching

Furthermore, the assessment will consider the applicant's documented skills and experience in:

• managing and developing academic units and staff
• interacting with relevant stakeholders and society
• dissemination of information on research and development projects

Equal attention shall be given to the assessment of scientific skills, as to pedagogic skills, as well as to other skills.

The candidate who after an overall assessment of skills and qualifications, is considered most suitable to carry out and develop the work and contribute to a positive development of the activities within the field will be suggested for the appointment.

Application deadline:

Place of work:
Uppsala, Sweden


Form of employment:

Starting date:
By agreement

It is desirable that the application is written in English, because the applications will be evaluated by expert advisers both in Sweden and abroad.

"Appointment procedures for teachers at SLU" and "General assessment criteria for the appointment of teachers" can be found here.

Please apply by clicking on the apply-button below.

Academic union representatives:

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) develops the understanding and sustainable use and management of biological natural resources. The university ranks well internationally within its subject areas. SLU is a research-intensive university that also offers unique degree programmes in for example rural development and natural resource management, environmental economics, animal science and landscape architecture.

SLU has just over 3,000 employees, 5,000 students and a turnover of SEK 3 billion. The university has invested heavily in a modern, attractive environment on its campuses in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala.

SLU is an equal opportunity employer.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ Ej specificerat


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-11-22
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Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet ( 202100-2817),

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet


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