Preschool teacher

Vittra / Förskollärarjobb / Härryda
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Visa alla jobb hos Vittra i Härryda, Göteborg, Kungsbacka, Alingsås, Jönköping eller i hela Sverige

Are you a qualified preschool teacher with a lot of initiative?
We may be a great fit for eachother!
What we are looking for:
Vittra Mölnlycke is currently looking for a preschool educator who has the will and motivation to be part in creating a unique preschool. We are looking for a pedagogue who takes initivative, is involved and is focused on the children. It is important that you have an open mind and can appreciate differences in people, change and humour. Your honesty and open communication are a huge plus.
It is vital that you have a working knowledge of the Swedish preschool curriculum, and also understand Vittra?s way of working and are prepared to work within our fundamenal promises and framework. As we are a bilingual preschool, we are looking for someone who has either Swedish or English as a native language. If you have specific areas of interest, for instance outdoor pedagogics, we would view that as enriching the preschool. We are, put plainly, looking for a positive, ambitious and cooperative preschool teacher for our team!
We offer:
Vittra Mölnlycke opened in August 2010 and is currently on it?s first year as a preschool and school. It is still in it's start-up phase which offers much opportunity to be part in shaping and creating our activities. It is a fluid work environment which warrants a flexible and open attitude.
In Vittra you meet very dedicated staff, high quality and lots of joy! As one of our pedagogues you have a close working relationship with your colleagues, and you meet regularitly for pedagogic dialougue and to evaluate and prepare your work.
Would you like to know more about us?
If you would like to know more about Vittra Mölnlycke you can go to our web page We also have a recruitment film called "Att jobba för Vittraskolorna" that you can find at
Does this sound interesting?
You can apply for this position by clicking the link below. We will not accept applications by mail or email. The competition closes February 23, 2011. The position is a full-time (100%) semestertjänst. Please apply promptly as the position will likely be filled before the last day to apply. If you have any questions regarding this job posting, please contact the school principal Susanne Allered ph. 0733-65 00 28 or email her at We look forward to your application!


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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2011-02-23
Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.


Box 15003
16715 Bromma

Gustavslundsvägen 151 C

Telefonnummer: 08-794 42 00
Faxnummer: 08-7944299


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