Postdoktor in computed tomography

Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Hard X-ray / Sjukgymnastjobb / Lund
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Visa alla jobb hos Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Hard X-ray i Lund

Lunds universitet grundades 1666 och rankas återkommande som ett av världens 100 främsta lärosäten. Här finns 41 000 studenter och 7 500 medarbetare i Lund, Helsingborg och Malmö. Vi förenas i vår strävan att förstå, förklara och förbättra vår värld och människors villkor.

MAX IV Laboratory has operated successfully for more than 30 years and is currently commissioning the new MAX IV synchrotron facility in Lund. Fully developed it will receive more than 2 000 scientists annually, from Sweden and the rest of the world. They will do research in areas such as materials science, structural biology, chemistry and nanotechnology. 200 people are currently employed at the MAX IV Laboratory.
MAX IV is the largest and most ambitious Swedish investment in national research infrastructure. It will be the brightest source of X-rays worldwide when inaugurated June 2016. MAX IV Laboratory is hosted by Lund University.

Project description 

A postdoctoral fellowship position is available to work on the development and implementation of mathematical image reconstruction methods for X-ray tomography with special emphasis on accelerating the algorithms with high-performance computing to become part of a real-time data handling platform for the upcoming imaging beamlines at Max IV.

Another important part of the implementation is to establish robust and user friendly tomographic reconstruction tools at Max IV beamlines.

The fast algorithms that are developed to solve the inverse problem in computed tomography will be used to address the possibility to incorporate the phasing problem into converging iterative schemes.

The work will be carried out in a collaboration between the Max IV Laboratory and the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University.

Required qualifications

Applicants must have defended a PhD in Applied Mathematics or Computer Science before the start of the Post Doc. Candidates should have a keen interest in software implementation and optimization on CPU and GPU units and in becoming familiar with the physics behind the image formation at the synchrotron facility.

Experience and skills in the following areas is essential: 
Development of fast algorithms for inverse problems, and in particular fast algorithms for computed tomography, programming in C/C++, Python and MATLAB; and for high performance computing using tools like MPI, OpenMP, CUDA, OpenACC and MKL.

Experience and skills in the following areas is desirable: 
X-ray imaging, hands-on experience with reconstruction of experimental data from X-ray imaging instruments.

Fluent written and spoken English is essential with a strong record of publishing in internationally recognized scientific journals. The scientific aptitude and the ability to develop and carry out high-quality research within the subject area will be given special attention in the assessment of the candidate. Importance will be attached to the potential of the candidate to develop as an independent researcher.

Salary will be set according to the general regulations for postdoctoral positions at Lund University in relation to the number of years of research experience and achievements.

The application shall consist of a cover letter explaining the background, research interests of the applicant and motivation for applying to this position, and a CV that includes publications and the contact information for two referees.

This is a one year employment with the possibility to prolongation for one year.

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Varaktighet, arbetstid
100 Visstidsanställning



Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2016-08-12
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: PA2016/2799
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Raymond Mokso +46 725517497

Facklig kontakt
OFR/S:Fackförbundet ST:s kansli 046-222 93 62,
SACO:Saco-s-rådet vid Lunds 046-222 93 64,

Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Hard X-ray

Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Hard X-ray
P.O Box 118
22100 Lund

P.O Box 118


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