Postdoktor i Fysik

Lunds Universitet / Logistikjobb / Lund
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Postdoctoral fellow in Physics

Type of employment: Limit of tenure
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Physics, Lund
First day of employment:
Official Records Number: LTHPA 2014/639

The research at the division of Solid State Physics is focused around different aspects of semiconductor physics, ranging from materials science to quantum physics, to different applications. The division leads the major interdisciplinary research environment within nanoscience and nanotechnology at Lund University - the Nanometer Structure Consortium at Lund University (nmC@LU). Lund Nano Lab is a central key facility for fabrication of material and devices on the nanoscale. The division is also heavily involved in the undergraduate education, especially within the "Engineering Nanoscience" program.

Over the last decade, our research within the area of one-dimensional semiconductor structures, so called nanowires, has been at the international forefront. Our main areas of study have focused on epitaxial growth of III-V semiconductor nanowires, investigation of fundamental physical, chemical and structural properties, and exploration of potential device applications. More information is found at: and .

Subject area

Specific subject description

Job assignments

The postdoctoral fellow will work within the ERC Starting Grant project Next Generation Semiconductor Nanowires. Semiconductor nanowires are fabricated in our research group by a seeding technique that uses metal nanoparticles. While gold nanoparticles have traditionally been used, extensive efforts have recently been initiated to explore the effects of seeding with other metals.

Within this postdoctoral project the effects of the seed metal on semiconductor nanowire properties will be investigated by a variety of techniques. The postdoctoral fellow will have the opportunity to utilize a selection of optical, electrical and structural analysis tools (in accordance with their own skills and interests) in order to understand the fabricated semiconductor materials. The research will focus on advanced characterization, but will have strong links to materials science as well as to device fabrication.

The postdoctoral fellow is expected to work independently, but in collaboration with researchers from a variety of disciplines. The postdoctoral fellow is expected to interact with and help to supervise the master and PhD-students in the research group, and to contribute to meetings and seminars.

Eligibility/Entry Requirements

To qualify for the position as postdoctoral fellow the applicant must hold a doctorate or a foreign degree that is deemed equivalent to a doctorate, and have completed the degree within the three years prior to the last date for applications. Those who do not meet these requirements may still be considered if valid reasons can be documented. The subject of the doctorate degree should be physics or a related field. Very good knowledge in English, written as well as spoken, is a requirement.

Basis of Assessment

The main assessment criteria are the expected ability to develop and pursue research of high quality and pedagogical ability. In the appointment of a postdoctoral fellow, scientific skills will be the prime consideration. The assessment of qualifications will be based on the definition of the scope of the position in question.

Other criteria are the estimated ability to work independently and the ability to formulate and solve scientific questions as well as skills in written and oral communication. These skills will be assessed based on documented research work, such as the PhD thesis and/or journal publications. The research is to a large extent interdisciplinary, and a broad competence profile and experiences from relevant areas of physics, materials science and nanoscience are of special value. In particular, skills in advanced characterization of physical and/or structural properties of nanoscale and/or semiconductor materials are essential.

Experience in fabrication and processing of semiconductor samples, including cleanroom work, is also highly valued. Previous research involving semiconductor nanowires is not mandatory, but will be judged as a merit.

Important personal qualities are, beside creativity and a curious mind, the ability to work both independently and in a group and experience in scientific interaction with researchers from other disciplines and in other countries. If possible, English language abilities should be demonstrated by documentation such as TOEFL or IELTS scores, or equivalent.

Appointment Procedure

Please apply online!
Applications must contain a covering letter in which applicants describe themselves and their particular research interests, including their proposed contributions to the described research project (maximum 2 pages). The applicant should motivate their interest in and suitability for the announced position. Applications must also include a CV, publication list, a copy of the applicant's doctoral thesis (or a summary text if the thesis is not yet completed), contact details of at least two references, copies of grade certificates, documentation to support English language abilities, and any other documents that the applicant wishes to refer to.
Applicants are also required to answer the job specific questions in the final step of the application process.

Lund University promotes an equal opportunities code. We encourage both men and women to apply for this position.

Salary is determined on an individual basis, within certain guidelines for this type of position. Please state requested salary in your application.

Applications will be destroyed or returned (upon request) two years after the decision of employment has become final. Applications from the employed and from those who appeal the decision will not be returned.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Limit of tenure: 2 years

As soon as possible

Fast lön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-09-30
Last Day of Applying 2014-09-30. Apply online: Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: LTHPA 2014/639

Kimberly Dick Thelander, Associate Professor, +46462229765

Lunds Universitet

Lunds Universitet
Box 117
22100 LUND

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Telefonnummer: 046-2220000


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