Postdoctoral researcher in computer science / machine learning

Örebro universitet / Högskolejobb / Örebro
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We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher in computer science for a fixed-term position at the School of Science and Technology.

Subject area
The subject area for this position is Computer Science.

The topic for this position is continual learning and learning with dataset shift. There are two direction for this position and we are looking to recruited a postdoctoral research for both or either of the two directions.

Direction 1 entails fundamental research on continual learning for dataset shift with data efficient and interpretable models and algorithms. This direction investigates methods for learning, updating, and forgetting for domains where data is incrementally available or changes over time (e.g. models of system dynamics, robotic mapping, reinforcement learning, or environmental data). Prior knowledge, experience, and interest in probabilistic machine learning, statistical learning, and Gaussian Processes are expected for this direction. In addition, prior knowledge, experience, and interest in Bayesian methods and deep Gaussian processes are advantageous.

Direction 2 entails fundamental research on reinforcement learning with continual adaptation and dataset shift including, but not limited to, meta and transfer learning methods. This direction investigates methods for fast and efficient reinforcement learning in real-world settings by exploiting knowledge transfer, e.g. from other domains or experience, to allow faster learning and adaptation in the target environment. Prior knowledge, experience, and interest in reinforcement learning in continuous spaces and deep learning are expected for this position. Prior knowledge, experience, and interest in robotic perception and control as well as probabilistic machine learning are advantageous.

The position is funded through the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems, and Software Program (WASP, and is not tied to a particular research project. It therefore provides a large degree of freedom to the appointed postdoctoral researcher. Research in this project will be performed in close collaboration with doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers in the same research environment, as well as external collaborators.

To see the full ad please visit our career site at

This is a fixed-term full-time position for two years. At Örebro University, salary depends on the successful candidate's qualifications and experience.

For more information about the position, contact Johannes A. Stork (Supervisor), +46 19 30 39 40, e-mail:, or Lars Karlsson (Head of Unit), +46 19 30 33 55, e-mail:, Peter Johansson (Head of School), +46 19 30 32 75, e-mail: for administrative questions.

At Örebro University, we expect each member of staff to be open to development and change; take responsibility for their work and performance; demonstrate a keen interest in collaboration and contribute to development; as well as to show respect for others by adopting a constructive and professional approach.

Örebro University actively pursues an equal work environment and values the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.

The application is made online. Click the button "Apply" to begin the application procedure.

For the application to be complete, the following electronic documents must be included:

• Covering letter, outlining why you are interested in this position and how you believe you can contribute to the continued development of our research environment at Örebro University. The cover letter should indicate one of the two directions listed above as a primary area of interest.
• CV with a relevant description of your overall qualifications and experience relevant to this position.
• Account of research qualifications and experience relevant to this position.
• Copies of relevant course/degree certificates and references verifying eligibility and criteria met.
• Most relevant scientific publications (maximum of 3 and in full-text format)

Only documents written in English, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish can be reviewed.

The application deadline is 2021-06-23. We look forward to receiving your application!

We decline any contact with advertisers or recruitment agencies in the recruitment process.

As directed by the National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet), we are required to deposit one file copy of the application documents, excluding publications, for a period of two years after the appointment decision has gained legal force.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ Ej specificerat


Individuell lönesättning tillämpas.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-06-23
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Örebro Universitet

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Örebro Universitet ( 202100-2924),


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