Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Long Noncoding RNA biology speci

Göteborgs universitet / Sjukgymnastjobb / Göteborg
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The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 37 000 students and 6 000 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future. Institute of Biomedicine is a huge super department with vast interest in several disciplines of biological research. It employs more than 400 people, including 110 PhD students. Insitute of Biomedicine is actively engaged in teaching activities in medicine, pharmacy and dentistry and laboratory technology programmes.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Long Noncoding RNA biology specializing in RNA epigenetics

SPECIFIC SUBJECT DESCRIPTION:More than two-thirds of the human genome is transcribed, generating thousands of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) that currently outnumber the protein coding RNAs. LncRNA, which are more than 200 nucleotides, do not encode any proteins but take part in all ciritical biological functions that have impact on development and differentiation. Mis-expression of lncRNAs leads to tumorigenesis. Though current estimates put annotated lncRNAs number to more than 20,000 but only a handful of them have been functionally characterized.
JOB ASSIGNMENTS: Over the last decade, we have been working to understand the functional role of long noncoding RNAs in epigenetic regulation of transcription during development and disease. Recently, we characterized lncRNAs that are associated with both active and repressive chromatin compartments and several of them show significant differential expression across multiple cancers. It is not clear about the mechanisms by which both repressive and active chromatin associated lncRNAs regulate gene expression in normal and pathological contexts. The selected candidate will explore the functional connection between chromatin remodelers and lncRNA in regulating gene expression associated with the pathological events.

Beskrivning av kvalifikationer: ELIGIBILITY: The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance. To be eligible for employment as postdoctoral research fellow, applicants must have a PhD or have attained equivalent scientific competence. Priority should be given to candidates who have been awarded a PhD degree or achieved equivalent scientific competence at the very latest seven years before the application deadline.

ASSESSMENT: Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance. The primary assessment criterion should be scientific skillls. In the assesment of scientific skills, priority should be given to candidates with extensive experience in cell and molecular biology techniques with high quality publications. In addition, candidates with extensive experience in RNA biology will be given preference. The successful applicant may also be asked to complete an educational training programme within the first year of employment.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Fixed-term employment, up to four years


By agreement

Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

Så ansöker du
Apply online: Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan See description about the position on the link.
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: PER 2016/266

Professor Chandrasekhar Kanduri tel 031-7866928

Göteborgs universitet

Göteborgs universitet
Box 100

Universitetsplatsen 1

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Telefonnummer: 031-7860000


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