Postdoctoral position

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Biologjobb / Uppsala
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Visa alla biologjobb i Uppsala, Östhammar, Sigtuna, Österåker, Håbo eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Uppsala, Östhammar, Solna, Stockholm, Ekerö eller i hela Sverige

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences
The Departement of Crop Production Ecology, Uppsala,
Postdoctoral position
Faculty of Natural Resources and Argicultural Sciences is the largest of the four faculties of SLU. Our area of acitivity covers a wide range of disciplines, spanning over agriculture, food and
biotechnology to natural resources, environment of landscape planning. Most of our departments are located in Uppsala, 65 km north of Stockholm.
Linking variety testing and applied crop research
The position will be based within the cropping systems ecology group at the Department of Crop Production Ecology, Uppsala. The main interests of the department include research, consultancy and teaching within two major areas, (i) cropping systems ecology, and (ii) functional ecology of crops, weeds and pests. The mission is to investigate, identify and develop sustainable agro-ecosystems, with the aim of improving productivity and sustainability of food, feed and fuel crops as well as cropping systems. For more information see:
Duties: The successful candidate shall partly participate in the variety testing program, and partly analyse the available data from crop variety testing and long-term field experiments with regard to the effects of climate variability and climate change on crop varieties and crop-weed interactions.
Subject area: The subject area includes the evaluation and utilization of available data from the Swedish variety testing program and long-term field experiments (focus on crop-weed interactions) for modeling the effects of climate on crop development, yield and quality, and crop-weed interactions. As the subject area is in the interface between climate change research in agriculture and routine variety testing programs commissioned to the department, the postdoctoral researcher will work in close collaboration with researchers and the staff performing the variety testing.
Assessment criteria: In the appointment of postdoctoral researchers, special weight shall be given to academic skills. Knowledge of Swedish is an advantage.
Qualifications: A person who has taken a doctor's degree or who has a foreign qualification deemed equivalent to a doctorate shall be qualified for appointment as postdoctoral researcher. Priority should be given to candidates who have completed their degree no more than three years before the last date for application.
Form of employment: Temporary employment, Employment as postdoctoral researcher is
limited to maximum two years at full time.
Extent: 100 %
Starting date: By agreement
SLU is an equal opportunity employer.
Further information:
Henrik Eckersten
• 46(0)18-67 32 59
Academic union representatives:
Lars Eriksson, SACO
• 46 (0)18 67 31 37
Peter Syrjänen, SEKO
• 46 (0)18 67 10 57
Lotta Olsson, ST
• 46 (0)18 67 15 36
We welcome your application marked with Ref no. SLU ua
Please submit your application to the Registrar of SLU, P.O.
Box 7070, S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden or
no later than June 9, 2011
Complete advt:


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Emplyment as postdoctoral researcher is limited to maximum tow years at full time

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Ange följande referens när du ansöker: SLU ua 1494/2011
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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Box 7070

Telefonnummer: 018-671000


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