Postdoctoral fellow in Intestinal physiology and metabolic

Göteborgs universitet / Administratörsjobb (offentlig verksamhet) / Göteborg
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The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 37 000
students and 6 000 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study.
Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the
world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

Postdoctoral fellow in Intestinal physiology and metabolic
pathophysiology, with focus on inflammatory resolution
Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, 24 months
Extent: 100 %
Location: Institute of Medicine, Gothenburg
First day of employment: 12 January 2017
Reference number: PER 2016/480

Our primary research focus at department of molecular and clinical medicine is on metabolism,
diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. We support and promote research and teaching in
translational medicine to improve health and to benefit society.
Subject area
Intestinal physiology and metabolic pathophysiology, with focus on inflammatory resolution
Specific subject description
Increased transmucosal permeability in the small intestine may cause a chronic low-active
inflammation that causes metabolic disease. We are investigating if lipids that promote
inflammatory resolution restore the intestinal mucosal barrier function, and whether this would
attenuate obesity-related diseases.

Job assignments
As a post-doctoral fellow the work will take place at the Wallenberg Laboratory at the
Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg. The primary focus will be to investigate
gastrointestinal physiology in obesity, via in vitro and in vivo experiments, as well as ex vivo
analysis of human intestine biopsies. The position entails some international travels, as parts of
the project will be performed in collaboration with international laboratories. The candidate
must therefore be willing and able to travel abroad for short periods.

To qualify as a postdoctoral researcher the applicant should hold a PhD in a relevant subject.
Since postdoctoral constitutes a qualifying appointment for junior researchers, we aim to target
those who have a doctoral degree not older than 3 years from the application deadline.

Applicants should hold a PhD in gastrointestinal physiology, or a similar field. The applicant
must have an excellent understanding of general gastrointestinal physiology and expertise in
animal models of intestinal mucosal permeability is a requirement. The applicant must have
experience of the following experimental techniques: Ussing chambers permeability assays, laser
capture microdissection, immunohistochemistry, and real time PCR. The applicant must have
experience with animal work and must have a Swedish certificate for working with laboratory
animals. Furthermore, the applicant must have experience in bioinformatics, programming (R
language) and sequence handling. The applicant must have good multi-tasking skills, a strong
sense of team work and experience with industry collaboration.
Good communication skills (written and oral) in English are necessary
GU - Vacant position Sida 1 av 2 2016-10-13
We are looking for a candidate who is accustomed to working independently and that is driven.
Special emphasis is placed on the person's interest in the subject.

For further information please contact:
Emma Börgeson, Principal Investigator
0702 85 52 82
Labour union

SEKO: Patrik Aspholm
031-786 11 73

OFR/S: Peter Brandt
031-786 11 69
SACO: Catrine Folcker
031-786 27 68

Closing date 2016-11-04
Appointment Procedure
Please apply online.
Register your application electronically " apply online " . Applicants are asked to include three
written references and a copy of their PhD diplomas in the application.
Evidence of scientific writing skills (eg full text of at least two scientific articles published as first
author) must be provided with the application.
The University of Gothenburg promotes equal opportunities, equality and diversity.
Salary is determined on an individual basis.
Applications will be destroyed or returned (upon request) two years after the decision of employment has become
final. Applications from the employed and from those who appeal the decision will not be returned.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre


Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön

Göteborgs universitet

Göteborgs universitet
Box 100

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Telefonnummer: 031-7860000


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