Postdoc position on sustainable absorbents

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Kemistjobb / Umeå

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Visa alla jobb hos Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Umeå, Nordmaling, Vindeln, Krokom, Gävle eller i hela Sverige

Institutionen för skogens biomaterial och teknologi
Are you passionate about sustainability and circular solutions? We seek a driven and innovative postdoctoral researcher to work with production, characterisation and testing of carbon and inorganic absorbents for applications focusing on wastewater treatment. Join our team and contribute to cutting-edge research that promotes greener solutions in the Nordic region!

About the position
The research is part of the ProWater Project (The use of industrial by-products as secondary resources in wastewater treatment) funded by the EU Interreg Aurora programme with project partners from Northern Sweden and Finland. The recirculation of industrial by-products in wastewater treatment systems and processes has the potential to increase resource efficiency, reduce the impact of waste disposal, lower greenhouse gas emissions, decrease water pollution and promote a more circular economy. Despite this potential, various challenges exist in its realisation. These include limited knowledge on various feedstock and their suitability as absorbents, data on processing needs and the effectiveness of secondary sourced materials in treatment systems at representative scales. This position aims to generate new knowledge that help to overcome these challenges and promote a more circular economy in Nordic regions.

Your profile
As a Postdoctoral Research at the SBT Department at SLU, you will investigate the production of absorbent materials from various relevant feedstock (i.e. by-products from select Nordic industries). You have experience working with carbon and/or inorganic sorbent materials and experimental systems. You will work with material preparation and pre-treatments, characterisation of feedstock, the use of bench-scale pyrolysis systems, the mapping and testing of activation methods (e.g. thermal/physical and chemical) and analysis of absorbent performance from a variety of wastewater types using laboratory and pilot-scale setups. A major focus of your work is to design and develop greener production methods that enhance the sustainability of absorbent materials from a holistic viewpoint while maintaining their effectiveness.

Most of your working time will be devoted to experimental work, collaboration with fellow researchers, contributing to writing scientific publications, presenting your work and acting as a liaison between SLU and researchers from other organisations. Your work may also include limited teaching and/or other departmental duties, up to a maximum of 20% of full-time. We seek a motivated person that aligns with the following requirements of the position:

• A PhD Degree in Chemistry, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering or related fields.
• Previous experience with organic/inorganic sorbents and wastewater treatments
• Demonstrated skills in laboratory experimental methods and analysis of results
• Excellent fluency in English with good communication and presentation skills
• Strong evidence of English language authorship (e.g. scientific journal publications)
• The ability to work independently and also collaboratively in groups

As postdoctoral appointments are career-developing positions for junior researchers, we are primarily looking for candidates with a doctoral degree that is three years old at most. If there are special reasons, the doctoral degree may have been completed earlier. Special reasons refer to leave due to illness, parental leave, positions of trust in trade unions or other similar circumstances.

About us
The Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology (SBT) is part of the Faculty of Forest Sciences, has about 50 employees and is located in both Umeå and Uppsala. The department carries out high-quality research and under- and postgraduate education on a high international level and collaborates with society and industry to develop a bio-based economy where forest biomaterials are an essential resource. The primary focus in Umeå lies on value chains in the bio-based industry, where different components of forest biomaterials are collected, characterized, separated, modified/processed, used and re-used cost-effectively for different purposes. In contrast, forest ecosystem services are managed sustainably. In Uppsala, the focus lies on wood science and technology, with research and education on wood materials from nano to macro levels, wood adhesives, and composites, as well as accredited testing of wood products and treatments for the market. For more information about the department or division visit: Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology | Externwebben

Read more about our benefits and working at SLU by visiting:

Umeå, Sweden

Form of employment:
Temporary employment 24 months, with the possibility of extension.


Start date:
August 2025 or as agreed

Please submit your application before deadline 15 of April 2025. You can submit your application by clicking the button below.

Union representatives:

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) har en nyckelroll i utvecklingen för hållbart liv, grundad i vetenskap och utbildning. Genom vårt fokus på samspelen mellan människa, djur och ekosystem och ett ansvarsfullt brukande av naturresurserna bidrar vi till en hållbar samhällsutveckling och goda livsvillkor på vår planet. Huvudorter är Alnarp, Umeå och Uppsala, men verksamhet bedrivs också på forskningsstationer, försöksparker och utbildningsorter i hela landet.

SLU har drygt 3000 medarbetare, 5000 studenter och forskarstuderande och en omsättning på över tre miljarder kronor. Universitetet satsar på attraktiva miljöer på sina campusområden. Vi arbetar för en jämställd och inkluderande arbetsmiljö där öppna samtal mellan människor med olika erfarenheter lägger grunden för vetenskaplighet, kreativitet och utveckling. Vi välkomnar därför personer med olika bakgrunder och perspektiv att söka den aktuella anställningen.

According to agreement.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2025-04-15
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet ( 202100-2817),

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Senior Lecturer
David Agar


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