Postdoc Plant protein based absorbing materials

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Skogsjobb / Lomma
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Institutionen för växtförädling
The Department of Plant Breeding, at SLU in Alnarp, works with research and education, as well as innovation. The focus is on activities that are of strategic importance for the sustainable and profitable production of crops for plant-based foods, feed and industrial products in a changing climate. The Department constitutes a multidisciplinary, innovative, and creative environment that works with current and future challenges.
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Bio-based materials, including absorbing materials based on plant proteins is an emerging field both in terms of research and related to industrial applications. The overall objective for this position is to use plant proteins from wheat, potato and green biomass to evaluate opportunities for production of absorbent materials and their functional properties. Their possible uses in daily care products, for plant production and as encapsulation material with delivery functions will be evaluated.

The post-doc will be involved in collaborative efforts involving partners from KTH, and with other ongoing projects at the Department.

Furthermore, structural evaluations of produced materials may take place using synchrotron facilities. Prediction of protein behaviour through simulations using computer based tools may be a part of this work. Thus, the post-doc will work together with professors, researchers and post-docs at SLU and KTH, finalizing already started investigations and setting up novel experiments based on findings from ongoing projects.

We are seeking a highly motivated candidate who has or will obtain within the nearest future a PhD in agriculture, biology, biochemistry, plant breeding or other types of education, preferably with a component of plant proteins in the curricula.

Candidates should have a sound understanding of multidisciplinary tasks including biological plant systems and technological solutions. Experiences of both lab-based experiments and of computer-based simulation tools for proteins are highly valued.

The candidate should be able to work well independently as well as to collaborate in groups and have good overall communication skills, including the ability to communicate and write well in English.

As postdoctoral appointments are career-developing positions for junior researchers, we are primarily looking for candidates with a doctoral degree that is three years old at most.

Place of work:
SLU, Alnarp with shorter stays at KTH. The employment will be at SLU.

Form of employment:
Temporary employment 24 months, with the possibility of extension.


Starting date:
According to agreement.

We welcome your application no later than 2023-05-09, use the button below.

Academic union representatives:

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) har en nyckelroll i utvecklingen för hållbart liv, grundad i vetenskap och utbildning. Genom vårt fokus på samspelen mellan människa, djur och ekosystem och ett ansvarsfullt brukande av naturresurserna bidrar vi till en hållbar samhällsutveckling och goda livsvillkor på vår planet. Huvudorter är Alnarp, Umeå och Uppsala, men verksamhet bedrivs också på forskningsstationer, försöksparker och utbildningsorter i hela landet.

SLU har drygt 3000 medarbetare, 5000 studenter och forskarstuderande och en omsättning på över tre miljarder kronor. Universitetet satsar på attraktiva miljöer på sina campusområden. Vi arbetar för en jämställd och inkluderande arbetsmiljö där öppna samtal mellan människor med olika erfarenheter lägger grunden för vetenskaplighet, kreativitet och utveckling. Vi välkomnar därför personer med olika bakgrunder och perspektiv att söka den aktuella anställningen.

Fast lön.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2023-05-09
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Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet ( 202100-2817),

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Anders Carlsson, Head of Department


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