Postdoc fellowship on Food and Migration in European Cinema

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Welcome to Linnaeus University! A place for knowledge, ideas and development. For growth potential and a belief in the future. In Småland and in the world.

The Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies is a leading centre for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies in Europe. As part of an effort to develop its research and post-graduate training, the Centre is now looking for a postdoctoral researcher focusing on the representation of food and migration in European cinema. The position is funded by LNUC Concurrences and The Crafoord Foundation.

The postdoctoral fellowship is part of the Centre's initiative to develop the connection between postcolonial studies, migration studies, and the emerging field of Critical Food Studies. The postdoctoral fellowship consists of a specific and pre-defined research task will be connected to the Narratives of Empire project conducted at the Centre. The project and research tasks is defined in detail below. The postdoctoral fellow will be encouraged to communicate research findings both in the form of peer reviewed articles and through an artistic project.

Field of subject for the position: Postcolonial studies with a focus on food and migration in European cinema.
Placement: Växjö or Kalmar
Extent and period: 18-months beginning September 1, 2018.

Research tasks
The Centre is announcing one postdoctoral position open for scholars in the fields of literature, art, theatre and film studies who has experience in colonial and postcolonial studies, migration studies and film studies. The position is tied to the Narratives of Empire project at the Centre, and should develop a discrete subproject defined here:

Grounding itself in film studies, critical food studies, postcolonial studies, migration studies, affect theory and memory studies, the research project will investigate socio-political and cultural issues of migration towards and within Europe by analyzing representations of food practices in contemporary popular European cinema. The project is intended to elucidate the relationship between food and nutrition and the transformation in the geopolitical configuration of the European continent, effects of internal and external migration (and the perceived threat of the Other), economic instability and political turmoil.

The project will be divided into several stages: reading and summarizing of relevant scholarly work in postcolonial, migration and film studies, research into popular European films made since 1990s dealing with aspects of migration through food practices, selection of films, analysis of films, revision of theoretical framework based on findings, writing and editing on the chosen films.

After selecting the material, the researcher will endeavour to answer the four research questions below:

• What aspects of the historical, socio-cultural and political dimensions of food feature in the films and how are these represented through audio-visual means (specific to the genre)?
• How are different cultures represented through food and/or culinary tradition in the selected films? What gendered aspects of food and culinary practices are portrayed in the films?
• How do these films represent the process of proliferation and infusion of a particular culinary tradition in a new and "foreign" territory? In which ways does the migrant's culinary practice/food challenge and negotiate similarities and differences when confronted with the local/regional/national identity and the migrant's identity?
• How does the represented food and/or culinary practice function as performative, cultural memory? For each film examined, which cinematographic characteristics render food as a powerful recollection and transitional object?

Qualified for appointment is anyone who holds a PhD, or a degree that is the equivalent to a PhD, and who has completed their degree no more than two years before the application deadline in the fields of film studies, theatre studies, or literary studies. The applicant must have a research record that demonstrates familiarity with issues central to the project as defined in this application. The researcher should also have had experience from the production of film, theatre or other artistic research.

For more information and to read the complete ad se the link:

Further information:
Please contact:
Johan Höglund, Director of the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. Phone: +46-480-447371. E-mail:
Åse Magnusson, Research coordinator for LNUC Concurrences Phone: +46-470-708343, E-mail:
Anders Åberg, Chair of the Department of Film and Literature. Phone +46-470-708904. E-mail:
Jessica Drott, Human Resources Consultant email:

Union representatives can be reached via the University switchboard: 0772-28 80 00.

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35195 Växjö



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