Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Computer Networking

Karlstads university / Department of Mathematics and Computer Sc / Högskolejobb / Karlstad
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The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Karlstad University, Sweden, has an opening for a post-doctoral research fellow in the field of Wireless Communication and Networking.

The position is a full time, two year position. The starting date for the position is by mutual agreement within the time span November 1, 2015 and January 1, 2016.

 The post-doctoral fellow will work in the framework of the project SOCRA (Software Defined Small Cell RAN Optimization), funded by the Knowledge Foundation. Together with three leading companies in their field, SOCRA aims to design and evaluate protocols and algorithms that allow to strike a balance between energy efficiency and capacity for future 5G access and backhaul networks based on the HetNet (Heterogeneous Network) concept, where macro cells coexist with a dense deployment of small cells. 

For this post, we are looking for a strongly motivated individual that models the energy-capacity trade-off for joint access and backhaul as a set of optimization problems, focusing on mmWave backhaul links. The work is to be conducted in a collaborative and energetic research group with strong track records in transport layer protocols, low latency communication, and mobile broadband performance.


To be eligible for the position, applicants are required to hold a PhD in Computer Science with a specialization in Computer Networking or have corresponding qualifications. The candidate must have completed the degree no more than three years before the last date for applications, unless special grounds exist. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English are required.

Assessment grounds

In the assessment procedure, emphasis will be given to the applicant's scientific experience in relation to the project in which the applicant is expected to work. Knowledge or experience in Network Performance Modelling, Mathematical Optimization Techniques as well as knowledge on wireless networks such as UMTS, LTE, LTE-Advanced or on radio signal processing is required. Experience with mmWave link characteristics is an advantage. Experience with tools such as Matlab or CPLEX and good programming skills are highly desirable.

Strong motivation and the ability to work independently as well as to collaborate with other researchers are important characteristics. Experience from participating in national and international research projects with partners from academia and industry is an advantage.

Applications should be sent digitally and include the following items:

• Personal letter describing the applicant and her/his research interests in relation to the announced position
• A detailed CV
• List of published works
• Copies of relevant diplomas, certificates and recommendation letters
• Contact information of at least two reference persons

Items that cannot be sent digitally should be delivered to: Karlstad University, Registrator, 651 88 KARLSTAD, Sweden

Application deadline: 2015-10-20

Varaktighet, arbetstid
• . Tillträde: By agreement Visstidsanställning


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-10-20
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: REK2015/101
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Professor Andreas Kassler, /46(0)54-700 2168

Facklig kontakt
Thomas Bragefors, SACO 46(0)54-700 1714
Tony Ingemarsson, OFR 46(0)54-700 1404
Denita Gustafsson, OFR 46(0)54-700 1434

Karlstads university / Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Karlstads university / Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Universitetsgatan 2
65188 Karlstad

Universitetsgatan 2


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