Post-Doctoral position

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Biologjobb / Uppsala
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences
Post-Doctoral position
(2 years)
The NL-faculty of Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences has initiated a thematic research program: Biological Soil Mapping (BioSoM) of soil borne pathogens. The research program is intra-disciplinary and intradepartmental within SLU in close co-work with commercial laboratories and advisory services in Sweden.
The overall goal is to develop a method for quantification of soil borne pathogens and to increase knowledge on dose /response of these pathogens and their interactions with soil physical and chemical conditions. The aim is to establish an improved forecasting scheme of the effects of different levels of soil borne inoculum on infestation and to develop methods to reduce the level of pathogens during field conditions. The approaches range from fundamental molecular analysis to field data in an intra-disciplinary network.
Work description: The objective of the post-doc project is to enhance the understanding of the effects of nutrient supply and changes on the development of infestation levels of some important pathogens in Sweden. The working frame will include development and adoption of bio-assay in growth chambers and include the development of new rapid methods for measuring pathogen infection and effects on plant growth of such as Plasmodiophora brassicae and Aphanomyces euteiches. The work will be performed in collaboration between the Department of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics and Department of Soil and Environment
Qualifications: A PhD in an appropriate research field is required with experience from work with plant bio-assays e.g. plant protection biology, agronomy or horticulture. Experience of the biology of soil borne pathogens of important agricultural crops is meriting. Experience of work with new methodologies for detection of infection levels of pathogens is an asset, especially indirect methods for example based on fluorescence and infrared or molecular methods. The applicant should have documented good social skills and proven skills in both oral and written scientific English.
SLU is an equal opportunity employer.
Further information: +46705588700 +46703291781
Academic union representatives:
Lars Eriksson, SACO
• 46-18-6731 37
Monica Östman, ST
• 46 (0)18-67 15 36
Documents that should be included in the application: CV, publication list, PhD diploma, copies of no more than five publications. A short description (2-3 pages) of previous research, current research interests of relevance for the position. E-mail addresses and telephone numbers of at least two reference persons should be included. All application documents should be written in English.
Your complete application, marked with reference number 3206/09 should be sent to the Register, SLU, Box 7070, 750 07 UPPSALA, or e-mail: , to arrive at the latest 14th December, 2009
For complete advt:


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Full-time. For a period of two years

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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Box 7070

Telefonnummer: 018-671000


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