Post Doc

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Kemistjobb / Uppsala
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Visa alla jobb hos Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Uppsala, Östhammar, Solna, Stockholm, Ekerö eller i hela Sverige

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Chemistry and Department of Soil & Environment, Uppsala
Post Doc
in methodology development within soil science
SLU develops the understanding and sustainable use of biological natural resources. This is achieved through research, teaching, environmental monitoring and assessment and information extension.
SLU has 3 000 employees, 4 200 undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Main campuses are located at Alnarp, Skara, Uppsala and Umeå.
The Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences is the largest of the four faculties of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Sweden. The faculty, which is located in Uppsala 70 km north of Stockholm, covers a wide range of disciplines, spanning over agriculture, food and biotechnology to natural resources, environment and landscape planning.
Research environment: The Department of Chemistry conducts research in the fields of inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry and natural products chemistry and offers courses in chemistry at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Department of Soil & Environment conducts research and offers courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in soil chemistry, pedology, biogeophysics, soil biology, soil carbon and greenhouse gases, plant nutrition, water quality, soil and water management and precision agriculture.
Job description: As a postdoc your responsibility will be to apply and further develop spectroscopy and/or microscopy methods (see below) in cooperation with researchers at the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Soil & Environment.
One of the central research fields in soil science is the analysis and characterization of soil components such as primary and secondary minerals, soil organic matter and the soil biota. One challenge is that soil components interact at a wide range of spatio-temporal scales with soil processes occurring at spatial scales of the range from molecular to microbial dimensions (i.e. from nano to micro scales). There is an increasing acceptance of the need to study soil processes at such small spatial scales in order to fully understand macroscale processes such as soil organic matter decomposition and the availability of plant nutrients. A major obstacle for making progress is the lack of techniques with an adequate sensitivity for data collection at the appropriate scales. In the last few years there has been a rapid development in analytical techniques such as X-ray crystallography, EXAFS, XANES, NMR and mass spectroscopy as well as electron microscopy. However, these methods need modifications and adaptations so that they can be used as robust tools for answering research questions within the soil science discipline.
Eligibility: Applicants should have a PhD degree in inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, soil chemistry or soil biology. Moreover, previous experience of at least one of the methods mentioned above is needed.
SLU is an equal opportunity employer.
Further information:
Dr. Anke Herrmann,
Department of Chemistry, ,
• 46-18-67 15 61
Prof. Ingvar Nilsson,
Department of Soil & Environment, ,
• 46-18-67 12 76
Academic union representatives:
Lars Eriksson, SACO
• 46-18-67 31 37
Monica Östman, ST
• 46-18-67 15 36
Peter Syrjänen, SEKO
• 46-18- 67 10 57
For a complete advt:


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Full-time, for a period of max two years

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Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 1631/09
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Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Box 7070

Telefonnummer: 018-671000


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