planting and forest cleaning

Svensk Skogsservice J.G AB / Skogsbrukarjobb / Dals-Ed
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Visa alla jobb hos Svensk Skogsservice J.G AB i Dals-Ed

"Svensk Skogsservice AB" is one of the biggest companies in terms of forest management, and our biggest field of operation is planting and forest clearing/brushing. The turnover in SEK for 2010 was 23 millions and we keep making progress.
We have very good experience of working with polish workers and that is why we now look for more workers, Swedish or foreign, to our Swedish objects.
If You want a chance to work for us must send us your resume and contact information. During the interviews we will tell you about the conditions of working in Sweden, concerning laws, rules, insurances and more. There will be a short movie showing what kind of work You will perform in Sweden. You might have questions about our company and about working in Sweden and there will be a group discussion with every considered team.
We need you to:
Bring your passport, or a copy showing the front and back of your passport.
CV including contact information, personal information such as your age, current work, earlier experience with references. Don't be shy to tell us why you are fit to work for us in the forest.
If You are interested in meeting us for the chance to get this job, please register for one of the following interviews. You register to our polishspeaking supervisor Krystian Blenski at Mobil: 0048505091159
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Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 3 - 6 månader
enligt ök

enligt ök

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2011-02-20
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Krystian Mobil: 0048505091159,

Svensk Skogsservice J.G AB

Svensk Skogsservice J.G AB
66832 ED

Gamla Bengtsforsvägen 7

Telefonnummer: 0534-66920


Observera att sista ansökningsdag har passerat.


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