PhD student position in Physics

Malmö högskola / Administratörsjobb (offentlig verksamhet) / Malmö
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Computational Atomic Structure
Atomic electrons are sensitive probes of the surrounding plasma environment, e.g. an astrophysical plasma or a fusion plasma. Elemental abundances, electron density, temperature, magnetic fields affect, together with excitation- and photo processes in the plasma, the emitted light. In the same way atomic electrons are sensitive to nuclear properties such as nuclear mass, charge distribution, deformation, spin and magnetization. Different isotopes have slightly displaced energy levels. To determine plasma parameters and extract information about the nucleus from the light emitted by the atom, it is of crucial importance to understand and accurately describe atomic structure and interactions. This is done through large scale quantum mechanical calculations. The calculations must be of very high accuracy to match recent experiments.

A PhD student position is announced in computational atomic structure with a focus on nuclear effects and fundamental physics. The work considers theoretical calculations of atomic properties, including the detailed interaction of the electrons with the atomic nucleus, as well as method- and code development. Experiments at national and international laboratories and applications of computed atomic data for analysing astrophysical plasmas may also be part of the work. The position is based at Malmö University, but the PhD student will be admitted to research studies in Physics at the Science Faculty, Lund University

Malmö University
Founded in 1998, Malmö University has rapidly grown to become the ninth largest institution of higher education in Sweden with over 24 000 students and 800 faculty staff. Malmö University?s mission is to be an active hub for research, education and innovation that benefits a global society. The activities of Malmö University are centred on the major challenges in society today and we strive to become a university open to the world around us. Hence, our research is often multidisciplinary and is frequently pursued in collaboration with partners from outside the university. Our campus is located at the heart of the city of Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden.

The Faculty of Technology and Society (TS)
TS has two departments and offers several subjects based in technology. Many of the subjects are part of multidisciplinary programs with the goal of integrating technology, science and societal perspectives. TS has about 2,500 students and about 100 employees. For more information, see
Department of Media Technology and Product Development (IMP)
The Department of Media Technology and Product Design offers courses in physics, chemistry, mathematics, media technology, building science, product design and mechanical engineering, and with its six programmes accounts for about half of all education at TS. Research in the department is carried out in the fields of physics, materials science and applied mathematics, as well as media technology. For more information, please see

Fore more information about the job, visit our website

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2016-08-01
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: REK 2.2.1-2016/108
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Malmö högskola

Malmö högskola
20506 MALMÖ

Matrosgatan 1

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Telefonnummer: 040-665 70 00


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