Norwegian-speaking and service minded Customer Service Assistant

Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag / Sjuksköterskejobb / Malmö
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Visa alla jobb hos Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag i Malmö, Vellinge, Landskrona, Skurup, Helsingborg eller i hela Sverige

Service to Norwegian customers and salespersons
You will report to the Customer Service Manager and as part of the customer service team that services Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, The Faroe Islands and Greenland, you and your Norwegian-speaking colleagues will be responsible for the Norwegian market. Your tasks will include
  Service to Stryker's customers in Norway - both public and private hospitals and clinics - including answering the telephone, receipt of orders, travel coordination and coordination of customer events
  Support of Stryker's salespersons and product people in the Norwegian market. You will assist in connection with preparation and management of tenders, coordination and gathering of information in connection with competitive tendering as well as updating of customer databases
  Various administrative tasks - including shipping of brochures and samples and other correspondence.
Professional supporter
You probably have a clerical background within service trade or are bachelor of commerce within sales and marketing. Furthermore, you have at least two to four years of experience with customer service and sales support to the B-t-B segment. Preferably, you have experience with the hospital sector and especially with coordination of material concerning competitive tendering. You are a organised, service minded and professional person, and you have sound IT skills and are familiar with the Microsoft Office package. If you have experience with order systems and CRM, it is a further advantage. It is an indispensable requirement that you are proficient in oral and written Norwegian and that you are able to work in Malmö.
Part of a Scandinavian team in an international company
You will be part of a professional Scandinavian sales organisation in which a small team of three to four colleagues service the salespersons in Norway so that they can spend as much time as possible with the customers. You will be offered exiting challenges and have independent responsibility for one of the key market in the region. Stryker has high standards concerning quality and service and every working day is different.
If the job is interesting to you, please apply through (reference number DK-AVS-43641) and upload your application and CV.
Ansökan sker endast via nedanstående länk!


Arbetstider och omfattning

Enligt Överenskommelse

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-08-16
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: DK-AVS-43641
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.
Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.

Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag

Mercuri Urval Aktiebolag
BOX 55703
11483 Stockholm


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