Market Analyst, Competitive Intelligence

Axis Communications / Marknadsföringsjobb / Lund
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About Axis Communications
Axis enables a smarter and safer world by creating network solutions that provide insights for improving security and new ways of doing business. As the industry leader in network video, Axis offers products and services for video surveillance and analytics, access control, and audio systems. Axis has more than 3,000 dedicated employees in over 50 countries and collaborates with partners worldwide to deliver customer solutions.

For more information about Axis, please visit our website .

Reference number: 2657

Have you recently graduated from university or experienced the first step in your career? As young professionals or graduates looking to advance your career, this position can be your next step.

This is a great opportunity to grow in an international organization. You will have a great chance for development in a rapidly growing organization that promotes individual growth. We especially welcome your application if you are a young professional who wants to take the next step in your career - we look forward to the possibility of you joining us!

Axis is a fast growing and innovative IT company with a global footprint. Our success is largely due to our highly skilled staff and our strong culture of daring to succeed and allowing ourselves to constantly break new ground. At Axis our employees are innovative, dedicated and energetic and that's just the beginning. They are the driving force of the company and seek to move it forward towards the goal of being number one in our industry. As the global market leader in network video, Axis is driving the industry by continually launching innovative network products based on an open platform - delivering high value to its customers.

Now we are looking for a Market Analyst to join our team focused on Competitive Insights, part of the Market intelligence unit.

Market Intelligence
Market Intelligence is a unit part of Axis' Corporate Marketing department. Our overall goal is to support the Axis organization in determining strategy with accurate & confident decision-making, by collecting and analyzing information about the market, competitors and customers.


Gather, analyze, and interpret information about the competitive landscape and market trends, in order to monitor our position within the marketplace
Follow and document selected competitors in detail from overall strategy to their total value and specific offerings
Create thorough competitive assessments for selected products, technologies, solutions, services
Create clear, concise presentations that highlight competitive insights and articulate opportunities through SWOT analyzes and similar techniques
Interacting with departments/functions looking for competition information and competitive analysis pertaining to Axis' total value offering, including products, solutions, technologies and services
Stay up to date on market and technology trends, by working closely with peers in the team
In this role, you will report to the Competitive Intelligence Manager.

Travelling may include a few tradeshows a year and visits to some of our offices.

As a person you are structured and able to see the big picture from scattered pieces of information and present relevant quantitative & qualitative data in a compelling and convincing fashion, adapted to the audience. You work well in a fast-paced environment and have the agility necessary to re-prioritize and shift gears regularly. You are an independent, self-starter but also a true team player, valuing cooperation and sharing of insights. You pay strong attention to details, are service-oriented and have no problem working cross-functional over different departments and contributing to other teams' projects without having the full ownership.

In addition to above we want you to have:

Bachelor degree in Marketing, Economics, International business, or similar
Demonstrated ability to draw and synthesize insights from a number of different sources
Passion for analysis. Experience in competitive analysis techniques is a plus
Ability to be objective in analysis and share learnings constructively
Strong team player, with well-developed interpersonal and communication skills
Strong written and oral presentation skills
Interest for high-tech environments, with understanding of the technical solutions and products
Proficient multitasking, organizational and time management skills
Fluent in English both in speech and writing, fluent in Swedish a plus
Strong business acumen
Axis is a company realizing the benefits of a diverse workforce. We know that diversity in groups creates a better working environment and promotes creativity, something that is fundamental for our success. Would you like to grow with us?

Find out more from recruiting manager Joanne Kovacic, at phone +46 46 272 1800.

This recruitment is handled solely by Axis Communications AB, and we politely but firmly decline all calls from recruitment and consulting companies.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid Heltid


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-04-26
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1. Joanne Kovacic +46 46 272 1800

Axis Communications

Axis Communications
Emdalavägen 14
22369 Lund

Emdalavägen 14


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