
Raoul Wallenberginstitutet / Bibliotekariejobb / Lund
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Visa alla jobb hos Raoul Wallenberginstitutet i Lund

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, founded in 1984, is an independent academic institution. The Institute is named after Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat, in order to honour his work in the cause of humanity. The mission of the Institute is to promote universal respect for human rights and humanitarian law by means of research, academic education, dissemination and institutional development. The vision of the Institute is to be a centre of excellence meeting the highest international standards in all its fields of operation. The Institute's library has one of Europe's largest collections of books and periodicals on public international law in general and human rights law and humanitarian law in particular. The library is part of the Lund University library network. Two full- time librarians and two part-time student assistants are working in the library.
Summary: One of the librarians will retire next year. Therefore, the Institute is announcing a post as librarian, starting on 1 February 2010. The post is a permanent position. A six-month probation period applies, other conditions to be agreed upon.
The Institute's library is an academic reference library open to the public. It attracts a variety of people, such as human rights master students and undergraduate students, researchers, doctoral candidates, visiting scholars and others who, in the course of their research and studies, have reasons to make use of the library’s collections and facilities.
Apart from being recognized as a library meeting the highest international standards, the library has a strong intercultural focus. Researchers from developing countries are frequently finding their way to the library and the Institute receives numerous requests from academics in developing countries wishing to spend time at the Institute in order to make use of the library facilities.
Swedish and English are the working languages.
The Librarian shall
Catalogue and classify books and periodicals;
Organize the binding of periodicals;
Assist researchers, members of the staff and others associated with the Institute, students and other visitors in finding the desired material in the library and/or by using on-line resources;
Report on the standards of the computers at the library
be updated on new publications and on-line resources relevant for the library;
Make the necessary acquisitions to the library in agreement with the Head of the Department;
Participate in other internal and external projects and activities and
Report to the Head of the Department.
University degree in library and information sciences;
Computer literacy;
Experience from work as librarian in academic libraries, experience from law library collections is an asset;
Sound skills in oral and written communication;
Ability to work in a team environment;
Customer service orientated, interpersonal and pedagogical skills;
Cultural sensitivity and judgement;
Fluency in Swedish and English. Knowledge of other languages is an asset.
Application procedure: To apply for this position, please send cover letter with detailed résumé by email to: . Ref. no: L09. The application deadline is 15 November 2009. The Institute is an equal opportunity employer.
For further information, please visit our web site at


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Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre

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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2009-11-15
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: L09
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Johan Lundqvist, Personalhandläggare, 046 222 12 25 (Telefon jobb),
Lena Olsson, Librarian, 046-2221215,

Raoul Wallenberginstitutet

Raoul Wallenberginstitutet
Box 1155
22105 LUND

Stora Gråbrödersgatan 17b

Telefonnummer: 042-222 12 25


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