Lecturer in Nursing specializing in Primary health care nursing1

Göteborgs universitet / Högskolejobb / Göteborg
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The Institute of Health and Care Sciences offers a number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes as well as individual academic courses within the first and second cycle of higher education. The basic training courses for nurses and radiographers lead to a professional degree as well as a bachelor's degree. The training of midwives and the different courses for specialist nurses lead to a professional registration in combination with a master's degree. All professional programmes lead to a professional registration. Moreover, the freestanding courses are offered at an advanced level, providing the possibility to continue studying towards a master's degree in one of the institute's main topics; nursing, reproductive and perinatal health, radiography and health care pedagogics. The institute also offers a postgraduate programme leading to a PhD degree in Health Care Sciences.

Lecturer in Nursing specializing in Primary health care nursing

SUBJECT AREA DESCRIPTION: The main subject of nursing develops the knowledge about health and having a good life despite the presence of illness and/or disability. Another area of expertise that is also developed is the knowledge about a peaceful and dignified death. In nursing, it is not the illness nor the disability, but people' s experiences, interpretations and reactions to the illnesses and diseases that form the focal point. JOB ASSIGNMENTS: This position is located primarily in the specialist nursing education (sccond cycle) with a focus on primary health care nursing, but teaching may also occur in the nursing programme (first cycle). Responsibilities indude planning, co-ordinating and prornoting continuity in the courses. Teaching, summative assessments and evaluations of the education are also included. The successful candidate is expected to make active efforts towards achieving the institution's goals, to work according to the business plan and to participate in planned joint meetings and activities. The candidate is expected to teach in Swedish.

ELIGIBILITY: Completed university education at the least advanced level in Nursing or Health Care Pedagogics, shown pedagogical skills and a qualification as a registered nurse and specialist nurse in primary health care. ASSESSMENT: First assessment criterion is pedagogical skills. Further, clinical experience from primary care as well as the quality and extent of the candidate's teaching track record will have a great significance for the appointment. Ability to collaborate and show flexibility in communications with teachers and management will also be considered. Administrative skills and current clinical experience as a district nurse will be of value. The candidate is expected to teach in Swedish.

See more info on the University of Gothenburgs homepage job opportunities. https://www.gu.se/english/about_the_university/job-opportunities/vacancies-details/?id=1723

Varaktighet, arbetstid
The employment is a full time permanent post


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-01-31
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: PAR 2017/1596


Göteborgs universitet

Göteborgs universitet
Box 100

Universitetsplatsen 1


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