Junior Scientific Expert

Dfind Science & Engineering AB / Biologjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Dfind Science & Engineering AB i Stockholm, Solna, Sundbyberg, Danderyd, Huddinge eller i hela Sverige

Junior Scientific Expert
On behalf of one of our clients we are looking for a dedicated Junior Scientific Expert for a temporary assignment. The client operates on a European level and is based in Stockholm. The assignment will start as soon as possible and continue until the end of the year, with the possibility for an extension of the assignment for an additional 10 months.

As a Junior scientific expert your main responsibilities will be:

• Support the Head of the Microbiology Coordination Section with the monitoring and planning of activities and Public Heath Microbiology Coordination projects
• Manage technical updates of Microbiology content, liaise with Microbiology Focal Points in member states
• Assist the communication section with preparing content for dissemination of information on the Public Health Microbiology programme

Uppdragsgivare: Dfind Science & Engineering

Ort: Stockholm

Omfattning: Heltid

Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-10-17

För information: Maria Lönn, +46733434335


We are looking for candidates with a scientific degree at University level, preferebly within public health, epidimiology or microbiology. Preferably you have experience working/researching on microbiology and epidemiology of infectious diseases. Some professional experience would be advantageous as well as a background within public health.

For this position we require excellent oral and written English.

The ideal candidate is an ambitious person, with a high level of responsibility and the ability to take own initiative. You have a good sense of accuracy and have great attention to detail. We expect you to be a strong team player with excellent organizational and communication skills.

Personal suitability is of great importance. As we continously inverview candidates, we encourage you to send in your application as soon as possible. Please apply with your CV (in English) together with a letter of motivation explaining which job specific expertise and personal characteristics you can bring to the job.

I look forward to receiving your application!

Maria Lönn

Dfind Science & Engineering är ett konsult- och rekryteringsföretag specialiserade på kompetenser inom naturvetenskap och teknik. Med engagemang och lyhördhet hjälper vi människor och företag att hitta lösningar för att utvecklas. Hos oss har du möjlighet att utveckla dina kunskaper och färdigheter genom uppdrag hos våra utvecklings- forsknings- och produktionsintensiva kunder i Norden.

Vi tycker att det är viktigt att all kompetens på arbetsmarknaden tillvaratas. Vi välkomnar alla sökande och eftersträvar mångfald. Dfind Science & Engineering ett auktoriserat bemanningsföretag via Almega och följer deras kollektivavtal.

Arbetstider och omfattning
Heltid Visstid

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-01-07
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 200650282
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Maria Lönn maria.lonn@dfind.se

Dfind Science & Engineering AB

Dfind Science & Engineering AB
Regeringsgatan 65

Regeringsgatan 65, 10724 STOCKHOLM


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