IT Operations Technician – IT Group (ref: 435)

Axis Communications / Supportteknikerjobb / Lund
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About Axis Communications
Axis is an IT company offering network video solutions for professional installations. The company is the global market leader in network video, driving the ongoing shift from analog to digital video surveillance. Axis products and solutions focus on security surveillance and remote monitoring, and are based on innovative, open technology platforms.
Axis is a Swedish-based company, operating worldwide with offices in more than 20 countries and cooperating with partners in more than 70 countries. Founded in 1984, Axis is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
For more information about Axis, please visit our website at
Reference number: 435
IT-Group is looking for an IT Operations Technician. In this role you will work with the operation and maintenance of the IT infrastructure services that we operate.
It can include working with regular maintenance such as system updates, system monitoring, troubleshooting and problem solving. You will also work as second line support for our helpdesk. 
As IT Operations technician you will work both independently and together with your colleagues in the team. You will work in a global environment and be in contact with both people and systems located all over the world. 
There can be an on-call duty in this position.
You have a technical degree or work experience in
IT-operations and good knowledge of different kinds of IT environments. Good communication skills in written and spoken English and Swedish are mandatory.
We are looking for someone who is a team player but also can work independently. We believe you have a genuine interest in IT technology and are open, service minded and communicative. You’re also a driven person that works in a structured way.
IT Group is an internal service organization working with IT infrastructure solutions. Our services extend over phases from analysis – design – implementation – operation & support.
We are located at Axis headquarter in Lund but operate globally at Axis subsidiaries, CLC's and production sites. Our goal is to provide and maintain a secure, reliable and effective IT infrastructure according to Axis needs. Solid infrastructure is the foundation on which a successful IT function is built.
Axis can offer you a young, dynamic and multi cultural environment, with on the edge technology and a highly valuated brand. We are the world leader in network video and as IT Operations Technician you will play an important role in the organization, greatly influencing the service level of the
IT infrastructure at Axis. Come join us!
Axis is a company realizing the benefits of a diverse workforce. We know that diversity in groups creates a better working environment and promotes creativity, something that is fundamental for our success.
Find out more from our IT Manager, Kerstin Nirvald at phone +46 46 272 1800.
We review applications continuously!


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-12-01
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.
Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.

Kerstin Nirvald, +46 46 272 1800

Axis Communications

Axis Communications
Emdalavägen 14
22369 Lund


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