IoT Solution Architect Scania Connected Services Troubleshooting

Scania CV AB / Elektronikjobb / Södertälje
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Visa alla jobb hos Scania CV AB i Södertälje, Nykvarn, Huddinge, Järfälla, Sundbyberg eller i hela Sverige

Scania är en av världens ledande tillverkare av lastbilar och bussar för tunga transporter samt industri- och marinmotorer. En växande del av verksamheten är service- och tjänsteutbudet, som garanterar Scanias kunder kostnadseffektiva transportlösningar och hög tillgänglighet. Scania erbjuder också finansiella tjänster. Scania är verksamt i ett hundratal länder och har 42 000 anställda. Forskning och utveckling är koncentrerad till Sverige. Tillverkning sker i Europa och Sydamerika med möjlighet till globalt utbyte av såväl komponenter som kompletta fordon. Under 2014 uppgick faktureringen till 92,1 miljarder kronor och resultatet efter skatt till 6 miljarder kronor.

IoT Solution Architect Scania Connected Services Troubleshooting

Within connected services we develop hardware and software targeting over 200 000 connected vehicles, ranging from positioning services and fleet management solutions, to complex analytic services for fuel- and maintenance optimisation.

The newly created troubleshooting team is developing the framework for fault isolation and diagnostics of the connected vehicles, with the goal to provide efficient and robust delivery of our services.

We are now looking for someone who can lead the architectural development of the new diagnostic framework, making sure that we continuously leverage our capability to detect and handle faults within services for the connected product.
The connected architecture is a continuously growing of services and sub-systems both internal and external to the vehicle. The solution consists of different modules, queues and microservices that interact with each other to handle, process and analyse the information before it's consumed by our customers.

Your task
Your job will be to lead the architectural work aimed at increasing the capabilities for failure detection and diagnostics across the whole chain of involved software and hardware. This ensures that we can continue to expand our connected platform and support a fault tolerant distributed architecture as the eco-system of services continues to grow.

Your profile
To achieve your goals you will be required to collaborate with many different disciplines, ranging from workshop support, IT-operations and system developers within R&D. Documented experience in large-scale development of robust, fault tolerant systems and leading technical transformations is therefore qualifying.

We imagine that you have a high desire to analyse complex technical problems and lead technical discussions across several domains, thus demanding strong communication- and documentation skills in both English and Swedish.

Experiences in developing an IoT solution is an advantage.
Relevant education is BSc or MSc within Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics or similar.

For more information
Contact Karin Avatare, group manager,08-553 82202

Varaktighet, arbetstid


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2016-09-21
Sök via vår hemsida Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan
Your application should include a personal letter, CV and copies of final grades from relevant educations.
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: Jobb Id: 20162706

Scania CV AB

Scania CV AB

Nyköpingsvägen 33-41

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 08-55381000


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