IB DP Visual Arts Teacher

Älmhults kommun, Gymnasium/VUX / Grundskollärarjobb / Älmhult
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Visa alla jobb hos Älmhults kommun, Gymnasium/VUX i Älmhult

Älmhult Municipality is in an expansive phase of development, and its population is growing like never before. We need employees who are committed to making an active contribution to the development of the municipality. Älmhult combines the advantages of a small town with a unique international atmosphere. It is easy to live here and most things are close by. Good communications make commuting easy.

Haganässkolan ligger i Älmhult i Småland, alldeles nära gränsen till Skåne. Hos oss går ca 1150 elever och det finns många olika utbildningar både högskoleförberedande och yrkesprogram, introduktionsprogram, IB-program, SFI, vuxenutbildningar och gymnasiesärskola.

Haganässkolan är mer än en skola. Här finns både gym, sportanläggning och simhall. Vår målsättning är att ge våra elever kunskap, mod och kraft att forma och möta en bättre framtid.

As a Visual Arts teacher for IB DP, you will work according to the latest IB published subject guide in the Visual Arts. This involves designing teaching, learning and assessment experiences that will meet the students' current level and bring them as far as they can go in their acquisition of the knowledge and skills specified in the subject guide.

Documentation of your unit planning in Managebac is a requirement.

Additionally, an IB DP teacher will collaborate in a team with other IB educators to engage in reflective teaching practice and work together to ensure the personal success of each student in the program.

IB DP teachers are expected to be familiar with the use of digital technology and use technology as a tool to further collaboration and learning both with colleagues as well as students.

Additional duties will include CAS coordination, study and work guidance to IB students, Extended essay supervision, marketing, and possibly even Pamoja online learning coordination.

Qualifications are listed in terms of preference:

• Fluent in English speaking, writing, and listening
• Teaching certificate in Sweden in the specific subject at the high school/upper secondary level
• Teaching certificate from outside of Sweden in the appropriate subject and age-level that can be validated by the University and College Swedish authority (uhr.se)
• Relevant IB DP professional development courses
• IB Examiner in the specific subject
• University degree in the specific subject
• Expertise/experience in the specific subject and experience in teaching the specifed subject.

Prior to employing an individual, candidate is required to provide a check of whether they have a criminal record.

Here you can read more about our values: http://www.almhult.se/vardegrund

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Part-time. 50% Permanent employment, commencement: 2021-08-05 The position begins the week prior to the students' start of the school year in August 2021.


According to agreement.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-07-19
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Älmhults kommun, Gymnasium/VUX

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "A1042421/2021".

Detta är ett deltidsjobb.

Älmhults kommun (org.nr 212000-0647), https://www.ibo.org/programmes/diploma-programme/

Älmhults kommun, Gymnasium/VUX


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