Game Design Supervisor and Design Track Responsible

Tension Education AB / Grafiska jobb / Falun
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We're looking for a Game Design guru to expand our Tension family!
Tension runs a Game development school (the oldest one in Sweden, actually) named PlaygroundSquad, and we want a super-duper talented Game Designer that can teach and guide our design students towards next level of achievements.
Tension is a workplace where we can turn every situation into a Fika opportunity. We also value the fact that you should have fun at work. That's why we've invested in 4 different arcade machines in the past years. If old-school games ain't your thing, you can always glance at our Darth Vader statue during your coffee break or build something amazing with Lego or Plus-Plus to relax that fantastic brain of yours.
PlaygroundSquad has been quite a big deal for the Swedish gaming industry since we've educated top-notch game developers for over 20 years. Now, you can find our students at huge and awesome game studios all around the world.
Here, you'll be the Supervisor and Design track responsible at Game Design (or Professor Game Design if you'd like a more superhero name.) The design students will be your apprentices, and you'll be their Jedi Master, teaching them everything you know. You'll give them tasks and sense their performance. Basically, you'll be the one guiding them through the space of Game Design, and in the end, shaping them into complete designers, ready to take on the job market.
You'll be working closely with our amazing PlaygroundSquad-team, and together, you'll be shaping the education at PlaygroundSquad. You'll be answering to our lovely Education Manager, who has a bunch of experience from both teaching and working within the Gaming Industry. You'll also work somewhat closely with the other nerdy nerds within the Tension Group.
In addition to being an inspiring leader that brings out the best of both teams and individuals, you also...
Have a great passion for games and game development
Have 2+ years of experience of working with Game Design, Level Design and/or Scripting
Know how to talk design
Are a real team player (Laget före Jaget as it's called)
Are quite the McGyver; driven, creative and solve problems easy-peasy
Know, speak, writes and understands English as well as Swedish

We would LOVE if you:
Have Scripting-experience
Have experience in teaching
Can design games with an up-to-date editor
Are a nerdy nerd like us in some form regarding Sci-Fi, 8-bit games, Star Wars, you name it!
Can drive a car and are allowed to do so

The position is a 70 % permanent one, based at the Tension office located in Falun, Dalarna. If you think it sounds like a good idea, send us your application!
Mail it to Lotta:, she's also the person that can answer your questions if you have any.
At Tension, we provide knowledge and shapes the digital future with our creativity. We also value personality highly. Oh, and since the industry is hugely man-dominated, we'd love to see female applicants.
Here's the website for PlaygroundSquad:
...and here's for Tension:
Feel free to send in your application in either Swedish or English!
PlaygroundSquad is part of the Tension Group. Tension has its roots from the gaming industry, and primarily focuses on digital solutions and applications with the latest technology in focus. Basically, we're all nerdy gaming nerds with a passion for super cool tech things. We also have companies in sales and does our own development in addition to our vocational training.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-02-07
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Tension education AB
Trotzgatan 29
79172 Falun

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "Game design".

Detta är ett deltidsjobb.

Tension education AB ( 556577-4725)
Trotzgatan 29 (visa karta)
791 72  FALUN

För detta jobb krävs körkort.


Tension Education AB


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