Fullstack / Backend Developer / .NET / C# to LogTrade Technology

Bravura Sverige AB / Datajobb / Malmö
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Visa alla jobb hos Bravura Sverige AB i Malmö, Burlöv, Lomma, Staffanstorp, Vellinge eller i hela Sverige

Om Bravura:

Bravura has jobs both for those with experience and for you who is the beginning of your career. Bravura helps companies throughout Sweden with staffing and recruitment. We distinguish ourselves through our commitment and our dedication to always find the smartest solutions. We believe in continually seek to simplify and improve the recruitment process for all parties by being flexible and fast, but at the same time provide a caring and personal approach. This way we can guarantee a successful recruitment result for both companies and candidates.


About LogTrade Technology
LogTrade Technology was founded in 1992 and is a disruptive company in logtech or digital logistics industry. They make sure people get what they need, when they need it, where they need it, which they do by offering their customers an adaptive, cloud-based software system for delivery and shipping management. The technical term for LogTrade's software service is digital logistics system. In its most basic form, a system like this makes sure that packages, or shipments, have the right shipping data on the shipping label and are sent with the right shipping capacity. In its most advanced form, it will give you the keys to circular logistics, no waste, and predictive deliveries.

Dina arbetsuppgifter
Work tasks
As a developer at LogTrade Technology you work through the entire development stack. Together with the team you are building and taking the system to its next level. LogTrade is an API-based system which is usually integrated into the customers ERP systems. The position offers a mix of new development and maintenance of pre-existing code. Here you work predominantly with backend development, but some frontend development will occur as well.

Education, experience and personal characteristics
• Previous experience in development with .NET Framework and C# as programming language, preferably with both frontend and backend
• Knowledge in ASP.NET, WebAPI, WCF and ASP.NET MVC
• Fluent in spoken and written English
• SQL Server
• ElasticSearch
• RabbitMQ
• Redis

We believe that you are a team player who understands the importance of a strong cooperation with your team in order to succeed. As a person, you get motivated by exploring and learning new things, which is reflected in your ability to analyze different workflows in detail and question previous choices. Your key to success is your understanding of how the world works, which leads you to asking the right questions and not being afraid of saying no to prevent hasty proposals. You are a persistent problem solver and carry out your tasks with quality. You gladly help

Övrig information:

Other information
Start: As agreed upon
Location: Malmö
Salary: By agreement

Funderingar kring Bravuras rekryteringsprocess? Du finner svar på de vanligast förekommande frågorna här

Är du nyfiken på hur vår rekryteringsprocess är upplagd? Du hittar mer information här: https://www.bravura.se/din-karriar.

Har du problem med att skicka in din ansökan eller frågor kring din registrering är du välkommen att kontakta vår kandidatsupport på vår chatt, info@bravura.se eller ringa vår växel 08-400 240 50 så hjälper vi dig. Ange vilken tjänst det gäller.

Vi rekommenderar att du skickar in din ansökan omgående då vi gör ett löpande urval, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas tidigare än sista ansökningsdatum. Välkommen med din ansökan!

Sökord: developer, fullstack, backend, frontend, development, .NET, C#, API, ASP.NET, SQL, logistics, tech, programmer, software developer, digitalisation, cloud, Malmö, MVC

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid Tillsvidare

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2020-01-31
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Bravura Sverige AB

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Bravura Sverige AB (org.nr 556752-0803)



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